Is it normal for knees to hurt?

I've just started running again and I ran about 1.5 miles. Nothing too difficult. I do the elliptical usually 4 times per week so the cardio level wasn't a problem. But my knees were sore and puffy the next day.

I used to jog for my cardio training prior to college. I have been on the track and field team throughout college. My freshman year my throws coach told me he didn't want me to run like I did in high school. He said it's too hard on the knees and running long distances messes up fast-twitch fibers and we need to be fast for the throwing events. Mind you I was running 5 miles or so at a time in high school.

I've only got a few weeks before I'm done with school and retiring from track. I want to ease back into running--that's why I'm starting with shorter distances. Besides, I won't have the college gym to use the fitness equipment after I graduate. So I'll be limited to jumping rope, bicycling and running. Plus, I feel accomplished when I can go out and run five miles straight. There's no way I could do that right now :S But hopefully soon!

Should I be concerned of my knees hurting? Although my knees are holding up well at the moment; I've had knee troubles throughout my throwing career with things like torn cartiledge and tendonitis. Overall, throwing in such high volumes like we do really pounds on the lower body. Are there any precautions I should take? Thanks for your advice.
Your knees are not supposed to hurt, regardless of distances. Have this checked out.
Your knees are not supposed to hurt, regardless of distances. Have this checked out.

Thanks for your reply. I'll see the athletic trainer on Monday and ask him about it. Do you think it would make a difference if I ran on grass instead? I was running on pavement. The snow is finally gone here so I could run on some trails now.
yes, pavement is harder on joints than grass, and treadmills usually have suspension that makes them the gentlest of all.

You may have patellar syndrome, just means your patella moves a little off track. i just ordered a knee strap (instead of a knee brace) to see if that helps with my knee aches.
if your knee hurts then there's probably something wrong with it. have it checked or simply avoid doing too much training. it would make sense if you ask your trainor about this.
Muscle pain is generally a sign of DOMS which will heal up in a few days and, unless very severe, does not require treatment. Tendon or ligament pain is not a good sign and needs to be checked out.
usually happens due to overuse or newbies. as g8r80 said, as one gets more used to the exercise (more in shape), DOMS usually subsides and muscles begin to feel fatiqued and tight after a good workout instead of sore.
I would also keep in mind the running shoes you are wearing. If you have cheap shoes they can work against you and cause knee, foot, and back pain. I just spent about $120 on my newest pair. I got fitted and everything so they are perfect for my arches etc. I have a store called "Fleet Feet" by my house which specializes in running and they fit me based on my feet type as well as several other things. Before I was fitted my knees would kill me mid run. also it could be your body getting used to running again and also hard pack dirt trails and grass would def feel alot better