to eat a chocolate brownie - hot fudge - ice cream - oreo sundae?
This can "depend", in my humble opinion. It can depend on the individual and the personal triggers that cause bad habits.
IMO, one cannot blanket a "yes" to this question because dependent on the person, these sorts of foods can be favorable and unfavorable to a persons goal, dependent on their individual problems with food (psychologically and socially), education within diet and fitness, and lifestyle habits.
If it causes you to eat more than you should, or causes you to go on inappropriate binges and likewise ruin your caloric goal path,
get rid of it, its a disease to your goal. A lot of persons fall within this category, and are in a dryer tumbling around and around and never figure what they need to do to cure this disease to their goal path.
If you maintain a solid caloric history trend within the known rules of fat loss, and you can fit an item (like on your list) within your caloric requirements without it causing bad eating behavior, than it will do no harm.
If you maintain a solid caloric history trend within the known rules of fat loss, and you eat an item like this once in a while, and even stray passed your caloric requirements (reasonably) without it causing bad eating behavior, than it will do no harm--especially if you already know your history of deficits leading up to this "planned" exception to your eating plan.
Eating items like this (depending on the circumference of your diet trend), "can cause" undesirable side effects.
For example, if you eat the above items "alone" with nothing else, it will cause an intense rise in your blood sugar. You are liable to feel great and energetic for a time--until your blood sugar levels stabilize, and then drop.
Then you could experience a side effect you don't want because of this sort of eating: Hungry and a craving for food again in a matter of a couple of hours. Stabilizing blood sugar (IMO), is the key to stabilizing one's hunger cravings, and is a key (IMO, with manipulating macro nutrients) in a persons fat loss quest. Know your body.
A "so-called" cheat meal isn't going to kill your goal path, when one is educated and smart in the basic and advanced concepts of the rules that are required for fat loss.
The most important thing, IMO, when you are wanting to lose fat tissue, is keeping your sanity,
but playing within the known and understood basic rules and concepts.
Personally, I view "
not being able to control one's so-called cheat meals" as the more powerful killer and potentially damaging to one's fat loss goals.
However, a few "calculated cheat meals" are not going to kill one's fat loss quest,
when its under control within the known and understood basic rules and concepts of fat tissue loss.
With this said, if "a few calculated and educated implementations of cheat meals" becomes a "facilitator of undesirable habits" and/or a trigger that tends to excessively break the rules and concepts of fat loss, AGAIN I SAY: get rid of it...period; "it's handing you an ass whoopen" in your fat loss quest by controlling you,
instead of you controlling it within the confinement of the basic rules and regulations of fat loss.
The above (when reading comprehension is spot on), is the main reason, I press "education" in the basic concepts of fat loss.
These concepts can provide the tools to work with various items within one's diet (that are not "necessarily" that great to consume), and still stay on track with one's fat loss quest.
When one is fine tuned in the understanding of the calorie requirements, basic knowledge of good food consumption, calories in certain foods, calories burned during certain activities, and become educated in the "good" dieting concepts
(such as Berardi's 90-10 rule), a person becomes armed with making plans within their life to handle many, many, different things that would "possibly" knock them off their goal track. Get yourself motivated to EDUCATE YOURSELF!
Remember this:
If you educate yourself thoroughly on diet and is within this education, that will provide the tools to effectively deal with yourself. You can effectively lesson (but not totally eliminate) the burden on yourself, and increase the odds you will be personally successful.
Set your body free! Fill it with Glee! Be all you can be!
Do not deny Thee!
And, it can be a disaster for some people wanting to get extremely lean:
Myself as an example: If I am at 10% BF, wanting to get to sub 8% BF, and know from previous history my body fights me at a certain weight point (fat percent) to get leaner and wanting to maintain its weight, and normal caloric deficits by itself doesn't work (and I have to manipulate macro-nutrients), eating (the things he lists) can be destructive and disastrous at a certain point (like using low carbohydrate set points prior to a phase of increasing carbohydrates).
Best regards,