Is it bad to exercise even when my body is completely sore from exercise?


New member
I've lost massive amounts of weight before... gone from 240 to 150. I'm a man by the way... almost 6 feet. But see, a good part of this I did with amphetamine pills and starving myself. I managed to keep the weight off for years, even after I quit starving myself. I didn't really develop any crazy ED... just lost all the weight, went on with my life.

Well, I don't take amphetamine pills anymore as they are super bad for you, but I've gained quite a bit of weight back over the years. My girlfriend and I are starting to diet and exercise. We jog, do free weights, various exercises like sit ups and the bicycle, and jump on a trampoline. After two days of doing this and being very watchful of what we eat, our bodies are soooo sore. It hurts to sit up and sit down, to walk down stairs, etc...

Basically, every time we eat we go and exercise. And like... I know the pain we feel is a good thing, but is it bad to keep pushing ourselves even though we already feel very sore? Should we wait to be unsore and then resume?
Yowch. Every time you eat? That's a little excessive. :)

Relax a bit on the exercise. You do need to give your bodies recovery time. Basically you can do cardio every day if you want, but you need a good 48 hours between weight lifting or body weight sessions if you want to see progress. Otherwise all you're doing is building damage upon damage and you'll go backwards instead of making progress.

And you should take one full day each week of complete and total rest - just to give your body a break.

That said, if you're suffering from DOMS, gentle exercise and stretching is good for you - it's far better than not doing anything. It gets the muscles warmed up and gets the blood flowing to help recover.

GENTLE exercise. :) Not blow it out, kill yourself stuff.
If your sore and you know your going to be sore, there are some things you can do to work around it.

Firstly I'd say make very sure your stretching enough. I find that if I hold each pose for 40-120 seconds I don't get muscle soreness, any less then that (say 20- 30 seconds) I get stiffness, and if I skip stretching altogether I get soreness the next day.
If your sore, your unlikely to be able to work to the same degree anyway so it is in your interest to stretch properly. Maybe also take some classes- just to see if your getting your stretches correctly and cooling down appropiatly, there are so many streches I have picked up from fitness classes and so many common mistakes. It can render the stretches useless if not done correctly, make sure your doing things right:

Quad stretches where both knees are pointed down and thighs touching. Lifting/cokcing your leg to the side and you miss out the medial stretch. Also make sure your shoulders are level and back is upright. It is OK to hold onto something for support if you need to.

Calf stretches where the knee lines up with the toes. If they lean too far outwards, at best your not stretching correctly and at worst you can cause yourself an injury.

You say your watching your diet but make sure your not skipping on nutrients. After a workout your body needs to repair and will need certain specific things hich will vary slightly from person to person. Protein, certain vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and water are the main things but there are other things needed too. Often you will crave them so look out for any strange cravings.

Make sure your resting properly too- 8 hours sleep and etc, not burning the candle at both ends. It can feel like it makea all the difference in the world to get enough sleep at times!

If your doing muscle type work or resistance training, try working each muscle at a time, each area a day apart. An example would be to work the quads one day, the abs the next day, the upper body and arms the next... Don't over work each muscle group by re-doing it every day as you will cause fatigue and your body will not have time to repair and grow stronger. Its worth remembering that its not the actual exercise that builds the muscles, its the rebuilding them which does and this can only happen when you rest them.
Interesting post! Your train EVERY time you eat....before or after? As Kara say, one day on/one day off is good. Muscle soreness (initially) is actually a good means the muscles have been worked beyond their normal scope. Soreness will gradually diminish and eventually you won't get any. Summer is spot though.....pre workout stretching is a must as is a warm down stretch. When I train HEAVY I tend to spend much of the next day stretching for a couple of minutes at a time to negate the soreness. Believe me, it works.
I've lost massive amounts of weight before... gone from 240 to 150. I'm a man by the way... almost 6 feet. But see, a good part of this I did with amphetamine pills and starving myself. I managed to keep the weight off for years, even after I quit starving myself. I didn't really develop any crazy ED... just lost all the weight, went on with my life.

Well, I don't take amphetamine pills anymore as they are super bad for you, but I've gained quite a bit of weight back over the years. My girlfriend and I are starting to diet and exercise. We jog, do free weights, various exercises like sit ups and the bicycle, and jump on a trampoline. After two days of doing this and being very watchful of what we eat, our bodies are soooo sore. It hurts to sit up and sit down, to walk down stairs, etc...

Basically, every time we eat we go and exercise. And like... I know the pain we feel is a good thing, but is it bad to keep pushing ourselves even though we already feel very sore? Should we wait to be unsore and then resume?

Think of it this way...

If you play with your weiner, 3 times a day for a week straight, you're probably going to be a little sore. Now, if you keep on playing with it, it's never going to stop being sore and, in the long run, you're going to do nothing but damage to yourself and your weiner will neeeeever be the same again. But, if you take a few days off and let yourself heal up, you can be back to painless whacking before you know it.

The same goes for the rest of the muscles in your body. Working them out is fine, but just don't overdo it.
Hmmmmmm, interesting analogy. So, how often do you "play with your weiner"? In the UK we have a "special" name for people that do that! lol
Think of it this way...

If you play with your weiner, 3 times a day for a week straight, you're probably going to be a little sore. Now, if you keep on playing with it, it's never going to stop being sore and, in the long run, you're going to do nothing but damage to yourself and your weiner will neeeeever be the same again. But, if you take a few days off and let yourself heal up, you can be back to painless whacking before you know it.

The same goes for the rest of the muscles in your body. Working them out is fine, but just don't overdo it.

HAHAHAHA!!!! That was hilarious. Im in a library and totally laughed out loud at that and everyone stared at me hah!

I agree though, there is such a thing as TOO MUCH exercise. Lots of people dont realize Calories=engery and if you burn more calories than you eat (your body needs a certain number of calories just to function even if you do nothing all day) than you will actually do damage. Sounds like you are working out way too much. Work out until you feel a burn and a little tenderness the next day is fine but anymore than that isnt good. Anywho, good luck!
Calories=engery and if you burn more calories than you eat (your body needs a certain number of calories just to function even if you do nothing all day) than you will actually do damage.
Um ... :) No. If you burn more calories than you eat, you lose weight. In fact the ONLY way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat.

The biggest thing about overtraining is fatigue and damage to your muscles. When you train too much, you tire your muscles. Fatigued muscles (and joints and so forth) don't perform as well. When you try to push fatigued muscles, eventually they say "enough" - that's when you get damage, injury, and exhaustion that takes forever to recover from.
Calories=engery and if you burn more calories than you eat (your body needs a certain number of calories just to function even if you do nothing all day) than you will actually do damage.

Wait... what? did you just disagree with thermodynamics?