Hi, I am brand new to the weight training field. I have gone thru 200 capsuls of hydroxycut, and I'd say it worked for me, I look slimmer and sexier. But now I have a trainer and I recently purchased Cell-tech (advanced creatine). I want to weight train using this cell-tech, But I was wondering if It would work well, or benefit well if I keep using hydroxycut along with cell tech in my diet?
The reason Im not sure is becaus I heard that taking hydroxycut takes the water out of your body, and cell-tech is made to keep water retained in your body (muscles) so will this cause a neutral unhelping effect? I really want to benefit from the ingredients that are in hydroxycut? I dont even know if Im asking my question correctly or if my point is getting thru, but please help in any ways you can. Or what about thermo-gain, is it like hydroxycut but with mucle building effects? Hydroxycut has L-carnatine in it. How come I see no protien shakes w/ this ingrediant?
THANK YOU very much.
The reason Im not sure is becaus I heard that taking hydroxycut takes the water out of your body, and cell-tech is made to keep water retained in your body (muscles) so will this cause a neutral unhelping effect? I really want to benefit from the ingredients that are in hydroxycut? I dont even know if Im asking my question correctly or if my point is getting thru, but please help in any ways you can. Or what about thermo-gain, is it like hydroxycut but with mucle building effects? Hydroxycut has L-carnatine in it. How come I see no protien shakes w/ this ingrediant?
THANK YOU very much.