Is Hydroxycut stacked w/ Cell-tech ok?

Hi, I am brand new to the weight training field. I have gone thru 200 capsuls of hydroxycut, and I'd say it worked for me, I look slimmer and sexier. But now I have a trainer and I recently purchased Cell-tech (advanced creatine). I want to weight train using this cell-tech, But I was wondering if It would work well, or benefit well if I keep using hydroxycut along with cell tech in my diet?

The reason Im not sure is becaus I heard that taking hydroxycut takes the water out of your body, and cell-tech is made to keep water retained in your body (muscles) so will this cause a neutral unhelping effect? I really want to benefit from the ingredients that are in hydroxycut? I dont even know if Im asking my question correctly or if my point is getting thru, but please help in any ways you can. Or what about thermo-gain, is it like hydroxycut but with mucle building effects? Hydroxycut has L-carnatine in it. How come I see no protien shakes w/ this ingrediant?

THANK YOU very much.
Speaking from a purely safety perspective, taking them together should be okay (since only the hydroxycut is stimulant I believe) but you'll have to drink TONS of water as they both will dehydrate you.

Almost every single major process in your body requires water in at least trace amounts. The hydroxycut is your standard stimulant thermogenic, which means it's going to be speeding up your body's processes significantly - so your body is going to be using up water very fast.

Cell-Tech contains creatine monohydrate which causes you to store water in the muscle (rather than other places where it's needed more) so this too will dehydrate you.

So #1 important thing is to drink a ton of water.

Also, L-Carnatine (or any ingredient that starts with "L-") is an amino acid. Amino acids are DERIVED from protein - so it's safe to say that if you're eating/drinking a complete protein, it has potential to be broken down into any amino acid, including L-carnitine.

Finally, the claims made by MuscleTech about ThermoGain are greatly exaggerated. Here are the ingredients of their "ALPHA-GAIN" formula used for ThermoGain:

+ Tri-creatine Malate: This is basically a pumped up creatine. A serving of tri-creatine malate should be 5g. The entire Alpha-Gain formula is only 1.3g across 3 capsules. Not very much of this stuff in there.

+ Alpha Lipoic Acid: A powerful antioxidant. Good for muscle growth? Not really.

+ Cinnamomum verum: Aka, regular old cinnanom bark. This is used primarily as a mild thermogenic.

+ Evodia extract: Traditionally used to treat indigestion and occasionally as a mild painkiller for headaches.

+ Vinpocetine: Nootropic supplement: good for brain function

+ White willow bark extract: Basically, herbal aspirin

+ Huperzine: Another nootropic ingredient, good for brain function

So doesn't look like any part of their muscle-retaining complex has anything to do with actually retaining muscle.