Sport is fruit counted in calorie counting?

Sport Fitness
I heard somebody say you can basically eat as much fruit as you want (within reason) without any side effects. does this mean that you don't count fruits in the calorie/protein/carbs/fats counting process?
I count fruit when I restrict my diet - I count everything. I wouldn't listed to any advice that says you can eat as much of anything as you want. personally, i usually dont think too much when i eat an apple or 2. i usually have a fruit with my protein+fat meals to supply the carbs im looking for, and to get that needed fiber. or to fill me up after my meals. and the only snacks i have are fruits. but, thats not to say you shouldnt count your fruits carbs/calories. me personally, dont count my calories presicely(sp?), i always just take rough estimates.
i'm with Corple. if i'm hungry, i eat an extra apple or banana and don't think twice about it. it's not a cookie or fries, after all! if you're hungry, you're hungry! eat something GOOD for you!
People sometimes say this because of the recent trend in "negative calorie consumption" - the idea being that the amount of calories it takes to digest the food is greater than the amount of calories you ingest.

The thing that's especially good about fruit is not necessarily that it's low-cal, but that there is such a high ratio of water-to-substance in fruits. When you eat an orange, you're getting a LOT of water relative to the amount of sugars and vitamins. What does this mean:

A - more water in your body (GOOD!)
B - less caloric food (GOOD!)
C - you get more full for fewer calories (GREAT!)

So if you were to eat 5 oranges, you'd get pretty full - but most of that is water, so it's not going to cause you to put on fat.
I say count it. Fruit does have a lot of sugar calories, especially things like bananas.

Vegetables (excluding potatoes) are more of a free food. A typical serving of veggies contains around 6g of carbs, half of which is often fiber. A medium banana has 28g of carbs, and only about 1.5g of fiber.
Yeah, you don't want to get too many of the starchy vegetables: green beans, corn, potatoes. They are an excellent source of nutrients, but starch (a complex carb) is difficult to break down and people tend to get too much of it and combine it with high-fat foods (steak and potatoes, for example).
Personally if I am going to count calories, I would count any and all calories. I think it defeats the purpose of counting to allow anything past.
i count them :)