Sport Is Chunky Soup Good To Eat If You're Trying To Build Muscle?

Sport Fitness
NO!! That is proccessed food, stay away! You may think that it is good because it has meat and veggies in it but it's in a can and had a ton of sodium to give it a long shelf life. You want to build muscle and be heathly you need to eat eat fresh prepared foods. Get your protien from chicken, fish, nuts, some red meat is good but to eat to much isn't all that great for you. To build muscle you should be comsuming about 1.2 -1.8 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight daily. Also for you workouts you should be focusing on 3-6 sets with 4-10 reps with 30-90 seconds rest between sets. This set/rep protocol should give you a good starting point to get the adaptions you want.