Weight-Loss is chicken sausage good for u



New member
i know all sausage has a lot of fat but i was wondering if chicken sausage is ok to eat once a week. im trying to loose weight and wondering if i shouldnt eat it or get it out of my diet
we'd have to see the nutritional information for the chicken sausage to be able to help you out :)

off hand i would say it depends, i have seen healthy pork sausages, and unhealthy turkey sausages (tons of sodium).
i looked at some at the supermarket today and passed, huge amounts of sodium, more than their pork counterparts from what I saw. no thanks. much better choices out there. right now i'm buying 6 pcs of chicken legs with bone/skin for 6$ (canadian) and cook those up in the oven for an hour together with a tray of root veg and have meat/veg for a few days. Easy enough to discard the skin after or before if you're so inclined.
The chicken in the sausage (if that is the meat source) would be fine I'm sure, but its what else they fill it with that I'd want to find out about. Have you an ingredience list?

See, the other issue with sausages in particular, is you don't know from where abouts the meat comes from. You may be thinking, "Oh I don't care" but seriously, mashed up chickens feet? powdered chickens beak? -Not saying all sausages are like this but there are some out there and its often hard to tell the good from the bad.
In moderation.

I'd keep a wary eye on sodium and saturated fat levels, but chicken sausage is generally better than pork sausage.
thanks for all the post. i guess the question is how much sodium are u aloud in one day. how much is to much in foods
Take a look at the nutrition label on the food. It will give you the amount of sodium in milligrams as well as the % daily value. If you would add up the % daily value of all the food you eat in a day, you should try to keep it under 100%.