Sport Is beer that bad for you?

Sport Fitness
hey every time i get crunked i always reach for the low carb or no carb beer, that way i dont' feel like i have to kill myself out of guilt the next day. so i looked into it and got this

plus a couple more, i'm thinking besides the calorie factor with very little carb and no fat how bad can a couple( more an 2 probably more than 5; 10oz cans) of beers once a week or every 2 weeks be? wut do u guys think?

-3 Quick Questions

wut is a calorie?

wuts the best way to kills of some after 10-12 cans of beer

According to my diet i should have around 1800cals a day, if i take in 1200 cals from 11am -8pm and from 8pm- i dunno like 2,4 am i take in 700cal is that okay?( going with the whole "ur body not living in time" theory)

Thanks guys information should be really usefull.
I think the reason beer is so bad because of the number of calories, that, and it really just hammers your body with toxins (all the alcohol is actually absorbed by the stomach lining and not the intestinal tract like water and other nutrients). It really just puts your body under a lot of stress. Stress = weight in some instances. That is much as I can say for that from anatomy study. I'm sure there are other factors included.

As for what is a calorie? A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree celsius in thermal temperature. It is required in the process to make ATP for everyday energy. That's in simple terms.
Here is my $0.02 (bear in mind this is 100% subjective)

Dukes, if you're going to drink beer, avoid the tasteless rubbish that has low/no carbs!! Not for any health reasons but, because its horrible!! If you're going to cheat and have a couple of beers a week (which I do and I know a few others here do too) you may as well enjoy it :D

10 - 12 cans is a little more excessive than my own drinking habits but, to each their own. Enjoy it once a week and get on track once you recover (I'm guessing that many gives you a hangover!) If you still make progress each week, then where is the problem. In reality, you are probably slowing your progress a little but, thats a small price to pay for rewarding yourself.

If drinking beer stops you from making progress, then it may be time to reconsider...
I drink 3-4 beers a week. Now mind you I am a beer snob and will not drink the massed produced swill that they try to pass off as beer, I drink mostly micro brews and I also do a little homebrewing.

Its never hurt me any :)
Don't know about beer but as far as I'm aware alcohol slows your metabolism for a few days after you've consumed it, so that's the damage. You work really hard to increase it and then have a few beers and oops it's gone all the way down again.
I wouldnt be worrying about the crap carbs. I would be worrying about the alcohols completely counterproductive effects on your training.
You can't drink a bunch of beers then run and reverse the effects.
There are more factors at work when you introduce alcohol into your system.
If you can't enjoy a good beer binge at least once a week then **** it. At least that's the way I see it. It depends how motivated you are and what's more important to you. No a beer binge a week won't kill you, I know tons of people who drink on the weekends who are in great shape. It's really more of a personal decision. Try not drinking for a few weekends and see how you look/feel. If it is way better then maybe you should consider cutting the beer for awhile. If it isn't that much better then go for the beer if it makes you happy.