Is anyone having problems receiving email subscriptions?

For a few weeks, I haven't been getting any emails for subscribed threads. For those that use this feature can anyone confirm if it's just me or not?
i dont but thought i would bump

why do you use this feature?
Thanks, Tony. I actually got it fixed: user error. My email decided it was spam for a couple of weeks. BAD email. BAD.
I could see the point if it was a super busy forum with lots of traffic but its pretty easy to keep up here. I suppose DEF likes to be up to the minute.
I just use a feed reader and email, so I come in from links but usually don't actually navigate around. It's probably the same reason I'm constantly startled by site functionality I never knew existed. I think it took me 6 months to see PMs.
I think I just started out using the email feature before I ever knew there was a CP - which seriously took me forever - and never gave it another thought.

You've inspired me to give it a shot! It would certainly clean up my email.

See, it's only 8:20 my time and you've already inspired someone. Call it a day.