Sport Is a lot always a bad thing?

Sport Fitness
I've always been hungry. Since I was a wee little kid food has always been something I was passionate about. I like to smell it, I like to cook it, and most of all I like to eat it. I think it's safe to say I take in at least twice as many calories as anyone I know, even some of my more portly friends.

I've never had a problem with my weight, my stomach has never stuck out further than my nipples and I'm lean enough that the muscles I don't have are visible. I am worried though that my eating habits could be detrimental. I would like to continue eating the way I do I won't lie about that.

The problem I have though is I get hungry very easily and I think I might need the extra energy. I have lots of energy when I eat the way I eat and I skate or ride or walk or just move constantly, If I eat "normal" portions and meals I crash sooner.

I'm not an all together unhealthy eater either. About a third of my diet is fruits and vegetables, raw usually. I eat lots of nuts, peanut butter, and meat. I've got a major sweet tooth but that's why I eat so much fruit, but I always have a candy bar with me when I go riding and I can't get enough lollopops.

I'm sure that all sounds unhealthy but I've also had people tell me that dietary needs can vary a lot between people. Is there any danger in my eating habits? Should change them?
Could you explain in detail a typical day? Maybe even tell how many calories it is?

Typical day..hmm..Well I usually eat a few pieces of toast with peanut butter on them and a bowl of cereal or oatmeal with a few glasses of juice or milk. I don't eat again until around lunch time and then I eat a few sandwiches, just meat and cheese kinda stuff. From then till dinner I graze. I usually munch out on sunflower seeds or nuts, pretzels, or any kind of meat I can get my hands on. Once dinner does roll around I eat whatever is made but it's always meat/fish, vegetables (usually steamed), and pasta or potatoes. I generally eat 2-3 times as much as anyone else in the fam even the fatter family members have trouble keeping pace with me.

I have no idea what kind of calorie count I take in though, but I will look into it throughout the day.
As best as I could figure out I took in at least 4500 callories after I posted that last message. I also ate three oranges, two peanut butter sandwiches and about three ounces of cheese before I posted. I couldn't figure that out since I threw away the packages of both since I finished them off.

Like I said my eating habits don't seem to affect me and if I don't eat the way I do I can feel the difference in my energy levels through out the day.
4500 calories? are you serious? How tall and how much do you weigh man? Unless you are an extremely large man then you are over eating by an enormous amount. Secondly, how could you afford to eat that many calories in one day and still have cash left (assuming you ate healthy)?
It's not really that much is it? I mean hell If I was over eating I'd be fat by now. I'm 6'2" and only weigh 160 lbs. I know I eat at least least twice as much as the biggest eaters in my family. I guess it's hard to believe unless you see it but I really do eat that much :p
Yeah I'm willing to grant that I'm probably off on my numbers, math never was my strong point. I do think it's quite a lot though it has to be.

I do do know that if I don't eat the way I do I crash out. I don't know if it's a metabolism thing or what since I'm an idiot on the subject. I know my older brother and my dad both have some condition I've never taken the time to learn the name of and they pretty much have to eat something every few hours. I think it's hypo-something. I'm not too sure if it's the same with me because my doc would probably have told me something by now.

I ride my bike several hours a day and keep relatively active since I was little, even though I just started working out. I'm not up on how a body works but like I've said my eating habits haven't ever affected my life negatively in fact I lose energy, I'm groggy and out of it, and I just don't feel as well on the whole.

Is it possible that I have some kind if dietary needs I don't know about? Should I check with my doc to see about it?

As for goals... being a big buff Adonis isn't really what I want. I'd say I just want to flesh out and put on a few pounds with some nice lean muscle.
It might be, I'm gonna find out today if I can get a in touch with my brother. I know a girl with thyroid problems though and she's a little chunky, my brother is in pretty good shape (though he's barely got a gut going) and my dad is huge and has almost no fat on his body. Is the whole fat "I'm fat because I have a thyroid problem" just a cop out or are people just affected by it differently?