Is a 1/2 mile a decent start?

I know it's kinda lame to all the big time runners, but I have been working up to running by doing cardio every day to build up my stamina, and I tried to run for the first time today and could only get 1/2 mile. I'd like to work towards a 5K, so I'm not gonna quit, just wondering.
A half mile is not very far, but depending on your current fitness levels, it may be all you can do.

I'm a terrible runner...I"m not at all gifted with legs for running, and I always get winded.

I would say you need to be running a mile, walk some of it if you must, but 1 mile should be your initial distance.

They made us run a mile in middle and high school. We could walk part of it, but it was a fitness test with a max time to complete.

Even back then as a chubby 6th grader, I was able to run it in 10 minutes. If you're only going a half mile, I don't think you're cardio is lasting long enough. Its just not enough.

If you gotta, run a quarter mile, walk a quarter, run a quarter, walk a quarter. Try to go a good 20-30 minutes to get some real cardio done.

Or run 2x a day.
Keep it up.

I disagree. I think a half mile is a great start. I think anything this side of just buying some good shoes and a copy of a running mag is a good start.

I like running. (Not so much in the summer but I live in NC where its really hot) I think the simple fact that you went outside and ran is a step in the right direction. Now lets work on increasing your distance.

1. Get decent shoes - Nike sucks. Dont buy into their marketing or the whole my shoes talk to my ipod crap. For me its a toss between Brooks and Mizuno.
2. You made a half mile. Stick with it for 2 more days. Take a day off. Go for 3/4 the next time. Lather rinse and repeat with an added 1/4 mile.
3. Get some tunes that inspire you to push on. Jam them while you run. no Gordon Lightfoot or Hank Williams Sr. Go with peppy.
4. Take a look at those two boys of yours. Wanna see them get old one day? Thats a good motivator.
5. I am going to take a marathon prep course at the YMCA. I will forward any tips I get.
6. Find a running buddy. Find one that is stronger then you. Mirror their efforts.
totally spaced


So important in running. Allows you to go farther, easier and with less stress to your knees, back ankles and legs. (All of which are really easy to F' up.)

You know your running stretches?
I know it's kinda lame to all the big time runners, but I have been working up to running by doing cardio every day to build up my stamina, and I tried to run for the first time today and could only get 1/2 mile. I'd like to work towards a 5K, so I'm not gonna quit, just wondering.

Well it's farther than I got! When I first started jogging I couldn't get 1/4 mile! :eek: But, I kept at it. I would jog as far as I could and walk the rest like Malkore said. eventually I got farther and farther till I was jogging 10 miles a day! I was doing 9 minute miles!

I no longer run on the street (just to hard on my

Littlea has offered some great advice! Keep going, in time you will be going further and further!
I guess my main don't stop after a distance of 1 mile, even if its just a good brisk walk after that. You really need to maintain a good heartrate to get the cardiovascular benefits, and that's going to help you run further over time.

You might want to try 'interval running'...for lack of a better term.

Basically you're going for 20 minutes total. Start by just walking for 2 minutes. Then up the pace just a little, for another 2 minutes. Keep upping the pace until you're at a solid dead run for 2 minutes, around the 8-9 minute mark.

then dial the intensity back down to a good walk. repeat the progression again, and save the last 2 minutes (minutes 18 and 19) for more walking to kind of cool down.

this should get you over 1 mile total, and give your body some good cardio and aerobic exercise.
You could try the Couch to 5k Program:

I have a friend who was injured for a few months and is on Week 3 now and it seems to be helping him slowly get back into the groove of running.

Hope this helps :sport:
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You could try the Couch to 5k Program:

I have a friend who was injured for a few months and is on Week 3 now and it seems to be helping him slowly get back into the groove of running.

Hope this helps :sport:

good post! welcome to you alkos CPL

and for you Mommy with the 2 boys,.,,,

here is a (very out of charactor for me) copy and paste-

with your run endeavor- let's cover a couple of quick things.....

stretching..... you have martial arts experience and understand dynamic verses static. for tonight and any tempo, speed drills etc. we want to warm your calves up, before you start launching... but do not stretch them.

note: I am telling you my thought and what works.. if masquitos, know it alls, or even other experienced runners come around, I will not debate with them. I run on average 30-50 miles per week injury free. That does not mean I know it all, but it does mean I AM NOT CHANGING MY THOUGHTS, due to some person on a forum.

Strretching - whether your legs are tight, sore, strong, loose, whatever- NEVER stretch before you run. we stretch ofter we run, or we stretch seperate from running all together.

Form - we will work on as we go along. but- keep your head up, pinch your shoulders just a touch, hold your arms in control, but loose, hands as if you could keep a butterfly in there, and look out about 5 feet for now.

Strike -how you foot hits the ground..... heal initiates and almost slides into a mid-outer foot strike rolling to the ball as it begins to lift into the nest stride.

Ground Pound - if you are hitting the ground at all, you are pounding it. you are a BB, heavy, and strong. Running is "sleek, gliding, smooth" think those words as you run. THIS IS A BIG ONE- shin splints, knees, hips, neck everything at risk.
hearing your steps, vision bouncing, trying to look all peppy <this stuff is why people have such short running careers.

and the esscense of running! BREATHING!

Runners blow their noses out. posers don't! be a runner, clearing your sinus is critical.

Breathing- mouth slightly open and breathing freely. We will play with breathing stuff as we go along. But- when you feel like you are out of breath, blow out sinus, and take a breath in AND OUT thru your nose, 4 breaths thru mouth, and then another thru nose. Many times our muscles and lugs are doing fine on oxygen, it is our brain that needs a wiff thru the nose. Sometimes your breath will just want to run-away- let it. Your body is learning.

So- tonight....
W.U. <warm up
RPE 2-3 for 2 min.
RPE 1 (walk) for 1 min

main: <main workout portion

RPE 5-6 / 2-3 of 20/10's
(a firm run) long strides for 20 right side steps (this is not a sprint, just a nice long stride, fast enough to feel wind) (20 is alot, if you can't make that, no biggie) when you count steps, you wll also have a tendency to hammer that foot down- DON'T- no ground pound.
then RPE 2-3 10 right side strides

try to do 3 sets,, walk in between if needed

We are not setting PR's. WE are opening veins, breathing, and loosening up your ankles.

then come back and tell all about the experience. OH, and ask me what to think about when you get bored... LOL!

GOOD beginners run program to build initial base.

Mon- test
continuous run at RPE 3-5, go out and time yourself for 3 attempts.

Tues- intervals, tempo
RPE 2-3 3 minutes w.u.
rpe 5-6 10/20's 3 sets
rpe 6-7 10/20 1 set
rpe 3-5 = 1 full minute, or 100 right sides
rpe 2-3 3 min (let it hurt some- this is training) cool down-- legs will fel like hey are swelling probably
*stretch well after this workout

Wed - off

Thur - build / decline, pace control
RPE 2-3 3 minutes w.u.
RPE 2 (10 left) RPE 3 (10 right) RPE 4 (10 left) up to RPE 6-7 (control) do not allow yourself to get pumped up and hammer your body on these. it will happen as you gain momentum... CONTROL is what we are training.

walk and totally catch breath

next exercise
start out RPE 2-3 for one full minute
jump to RPE 7 for 20-30 strides, then drop down (slow decline, show control)
RPE 6 for (10 left) RPE 5 (10 right) and on down.
""handle your breathing! breathing is the controller of pace, but ou will learn... do these the best you can.... and laugh and enjoy! it is hard enogh without trying to be perfect. ""


Sat - find play that includes running, start stop type of stuff, or go out and do 15 minutes worth of wind sprints, chase your kid, use your fancy legs.

Sun... OFF

Monday - test and report lengths of time.
Thank you SO much everyone! I do intend to keep it up, and I will try the running/walking combo to increase the overall length of time. I plan on continuing my daily elliptical workout and weight training as well. This is just to add another dimension to my fitness regimen. My shins were hurting afterwards a little, but they are fine now. I will work on the suggestions offered to combat that problem. Thanks again!!
Thank you SO much everyone! I do intend to keep it up, and I will try the running/walking combo to increase the overall length of time. I plan on continuing my daily elliptical workout and weight training as well. This is just to add another dimension to my fitness regimen. My shins were hurting afterwards a little, but they are fine now. I will work on the suggestions offered to combat that problem. Thanks again!!

shoes, and ground pund will cause the shin pain. see my post above.
Yea thank you I read that. I will focus on my feet hitting tomorrow, and try to keep it light. Also, I wore Nike's today but I have a pair of Saucony's I will wear tomorrow.
Yea thank you I read that. I will focus on my feet hitting tomorrow, and try to keep it light. Also, I wore Nike's today but I have a pair of Saucony's I will wear tomorrow.

FF is one of the *experts* here on running...definitely a great source if you need guidance running.....

Great advice FF!!!!
Thank you SO much everyone! I do intend to keep it up, and I will try the running/walking combo to increase the overall length of time. I plan on continuing my daily elliptical workout and weight training as well. This is just to add another dimension to my fitness regimen. My shins were hurting afterwards a little, but they are fine now. I will work on the suggestions offered to combat that problem. Thanks again!!

You probably need to get shoes.
FlyinFree I'm gonna print out your suggested routine.

Well, today I wore Saucony's .. much lighter. I have lots of work to do on my 'strike' as it's called. Granted, I need to lose another 30 lbs, and I'm a 36D so trying to be light while running is a challenge but I'll get it. I'm so not built like a runner, lol.

I did 20 minutes total, most of it running, another 1/2 mile today but I switched w/ speed walking intervals. This is also after doing 25 minutes on the elliptical so I think after I work on my form I can run the whole time and eliminate the elliptical. I do not feel that I'm reaching my limit cardio-wise, however, it's my shins again .. that kept me from going further today I know it. So I am gonna stretch out in a few and see how they feel later. I focused on hitting with my heel and rolling to the outside, a bit awkward because I want to push off with my toes but I really concentrated on NOT doing that.

I have had shin problems going back to school when I ran a lot for volleyball .. I used to have to sit and the coach would ice them. Not sure how but I am definitely gonna work through this.

Thanks again for all the advice everyone!
They make a cross front, crass back sports bra that. Get that under control, it is not healthy to have much bounce. $25 and you are protected. Very important to take care of, or it will shorten your running career. Running is about finding ourselves, breathing in cadence, feeling our pulse, and enjoyijng the ability to cross the earth and feel powerful. Strap'em down punkin!

in that case here is the RPE definitions for you.

Appendix: RPE Chart
This chart can help with gauging intensities of daily workouts. Combine with your heart monitor ranges if desired.

RPE 1 Very Weak: light walking
2 Weak: strong walk, very slow run, easy conversation pace
3 Moderate: easy run, begin to sweat, but can hold conversation throughout
4 Somewhat Strong: still easy, sweating a bit more
5 Strideing out- and feeling it. this is our base pace, it wilkl come natural later. mine is at about an 8:30 mm.
7 Very Strong: breathing very labored, but can still maintain pace for some minutes without slowing.
9 Cannot hold effort for more than a minute or two
10 Extremely Strong (almost maximal)
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Thanks, I'll look for one of those!

Getting ready to go for my run day 3, and I feel like someone diced up my quads with a cleaver. :cheeky:
Lame is quitting NOT beginning! So good for you for starting. I started with about a mile a combo of walking and running and while I am not a "runner" perse since I am mostly focused on physique, I can squash out 3.5 miles pretty easily and daily right now am running 6 miles broken up into 2 sessions.

I reccomend doing intervals and some fartleks( harhar) to build your endurance. Heart monitor has helped a great deal too get my breathing regulated and keep my mind in the game. Having a target helps me.

Good luck and kep up the good work. Don't overdo it and then quit, if you find yourself feeling awful scale back. That said, there is nothing like running to loosen up the tightness you may feel as long as you get through those first few minutes. Stretch a good bit, soak in epsom salts and hang in there.

For weight loss, doesn't matter if you run your butt into the ground, you have to eat right or its not going to do much good. Get rid of processed foods and excuses for not eating food that will fuel your body. Treat yourself like a precious temple and you will get much in return. You are worth it and your family will thank you for being a great role model and taking care of YOU so you can take care of them.

I am cheering for you.
Thanks for the vote of confidence! I did the same routine today, elliptical, weights, then ended w/ the 1/2 mile run. I'll try to increase it tomorrow. My quads are screaming, lol .. so we shall see. I'm not going to quit though, because it feels GREAT! :sport:
So yesterday I did the elliptical and weights but didn't run. Today I did my regular routine and went around the track 12 times (a mile) with 9 laps running this time, instead of 6. Woohoo! You best believe I'll run that 5k in Oct. :) This is kind of turning into a journal, lol.