Weight-Loss Iron Supplements and Constipation

Does anyone else have this problem. My doctor recommended extra Iron, but dang! it clogs me up.

I've been adding more fiber to my diet and I certainly do NOT want to have to resort to laxatives (talk about one extreme to another). :eek:

Any help would be, well, helpful.
I had that same problem being pregnant. I had to take my multi and 2 extra iron tabs a day. I took the iron with food and a ton of water. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. Also it helped to add more dark greens and grains to my diet. I drank a fiber drink every morning to help as well. I think the fluids helped the most though. I never took laxatives, I did have to do less harsh ways like enema (sounds gross but it works very well). Hope that helps some. Any questions feel free to ask :)