Ipod Owners..


New member
How many songs do you currently have on your ipod?

I have close to 10,000 songs on mine. I think the exact number is like 9,875 or something like that
my computer at home has about 25,000 songs (none of which were downloaded from sources who's legality is questionable :)-

my 30 gig ipod has about 6500 songs and a few books (still have to finish Dylan's book and free up space) and a bunch a podcasts
Thats cool, I have a 60gb at the moment but will probably upgrade to an 80gb video. Gotta love being able to put your favorite tv shows on a portable device :)
my original 60 gig ipod died - and could't be fixed - the 30 gig drive is killing me -there's always a song i want that's no there :)

I've spent entirely too many hours categorizing music so that i can have decent play lists -and need to do it again ..
ohh geez tell me about it. I could spend a good day just getting all my music categorized, after a while i just gave up so I have about a dozen or so albums with titles like track1 lol
*hides head in shame*

um... I have a 1 Gig MP3 player... it has about 80 songs on it....


I'm soo behind on the IPOD thing, my car doesn't even have a CD player! :D
i use the itunes smart playlists, using ratings, last played, etc, the higher rated ones are on more often, so my mix is always fresh. i only have around 500 songs on it at a time. its always on random
We use Anapod Explorer I believe it's called. Hubby has the Ipod in his car. It's one of the old 30 giggers and its bulky.

I would love to have my own sleek, pink 8GB Nano..
I have around 2,000-ish songs in my collection, but this isn't counting a majority of the cds I own which have never been ripped, otherwise I'm sure I could easily add another 700 or so.
60gb video, hs about 30gb music and the other 30gb i use to store movies or other crap i download at work to take home :)
I've only got the smallest nano, so only about 500. I used to have the older bigger i-pod which had a lot of space. But i spilt water on it :p

I can never get free music without it messing up my really bad computer, so i always pay for i-tunes or get people to send me it, otherwise i'd have so much more.

I'm quite proud of my music though, my sister says i could be a dj cause i have loads of wee cool songs no ones ever heard of.
I have the Shuffle (2nd generation) and its just about full...236 songs! I need to pare it down and take some off....too hard to muddle through sometimes!