Iowa folks

I am deeply saddened when I see our Iowa brothers undergoing extreme misery from the midwest flooding.

I wish them well and hope that they are able to overcome this as best they can and as quickly as possible.

If there are any Iowa members on this forum affected by the flooding, post here or pm me and let us know if there is anything I or we can do for you.
Same with my Indiana peeps.
This link will show you photos of the flooding in Iowa taken by the Des Moines Register. If you don't have time to look at them all, start at photo #90.

You may have heard about the Parkersburg tornado this past month. It was a F5 and leveled over half the town. The people that had homes left felt pretty relieved, untill they all flooded! There is a lot of devastaion everywhere in the state. Some people in Des Moines still can't go back in to their homes yet. But Iowans are very resilient, we flooded like this back in 1993 and rebuilt, we will do it again.

This link is photos the Cedar Rapids Gazette took

I live out in the country away from rivers so we didn't have any damage, but 15 miles North and South roads are still closed from flooding.

If you are wanting to help out, giving to the Red Cross is one of the best ways. They are going to have to borrow millions of dollars to help in Iowa. Another is to bring clothes and toiletries to Goodwill stores, just make sure you let them know before you bring it. I'm sure we'll need help rebuilding, but not just yet. We are still trying to assess the damages.

St. Louis is the next to be hit by these waters as they flow out of Iowa. If you live there, please take this seriously. A lot of people in Iowa didn't and were given only hours to get everything out of their homes.
I'm sure this will be the same all the way down the Mississippi.

Sorridere, I'm glad to hear you are not inundated or blown away by any of the tornadoes.