

New member
Hello all,
I'm short nickname for Latisha. I'm 26, I've been married for 1 year, and I'm expecting a child in September. I know it's weird for me to be on a weight loss forum while 7 months pregnant, but my weight is something that I've been battling before my pregnancy and I know I will have to deal with it afterwards as well. I've been trying to cut down on some calories to lose weight, but I am always tempted to snack at night. I can have a perfect day regarding caloric intake, but something hits me around 10-12pm to have a snack. I've been doing well about keeping track of what I eat daily, but I figured if I had some unbiased support and a way of seeing what I'm doing, it may work out better for me. My goal for now is to reduce my caloric intake to about 1500 per day. I also like to walk, so I can commit to walking 3-5 days per week for 1/2 hour. After my baby is born, I'd like to continue my eating habits, but increase my exercise to something more strenuous. My current weight (7 months pregnant) is 179lbs. Before my pregnancy, I was overweight at 160. My goal weight loss is 50 lbs, bringing me down to 130 (give or take a couple of lbs for the 2 months I have left of pregnacy.) Since I am starting today, I will aim for 1 year, July 7, 2007. I really have a hard time losing weight due to the fact that I love food so much, my husband is a constant snacker who doesn't gain weight, and sometimes my weight gain is caused by stress. I am really going full force with this today and I will track myself each day with hopes that progress will motivate me to continue. I am a very attractive woman and I've never really lacked much self-confidence until recently. It's not my pregnancy becuase I've felt this way since a few months before. It's time that I do something about it. After my son is born, I will enter into a new career and I don't want anything to hold back my confidence. Hopefully this forum will serve as a tool to reach my goal. I would like to request any advice or support anyone can offer me. After reading some posts on this site, I feel very motivated to achieve my goal!!!!
Welcome to the site!
Hi, Latisha! Welcome! And congratulations on the pending arrival of your new baby! What an exciting time for you and your husband.

You didn't mention this, but you'll want to make sure you talk to your doctor about any reduction in calories at this point. Due to the fact that you are carrying a baby, you will naturally need more calories because you are eating for two. Snacking isn't a bad thing if you stick to fruits and veggies. Starting a walking program will be terrific for both of you! Maybe you can concentrate on doing a 1/2-hour walk regularly, and then after your baby is born in a couple of months, you can reduce your calories to begin to lose weight. I'm sure your doctor could give you other suggestions too.

Again, welcome! Keep us posted on how things are going.
Welcome!!!! your story sounds very similar to mine, except i just had a baby 7 weeks ago. While i was pregnant i was very worried about my weight too and somebody told me that if i started to excercise and eat right while i was pregnant it would also help me to loose the weight after the baby was born. so i did but not all crazy bc i was pregnant just moderate like walks and stuff and more healthy foods, during my pregnancy i only gained 15 pounds which was all the doc wanted me to gain bc of my previous weight, so now im back to what i was b4 i was pregnant and thats the stuff im having trouble getting off, lol. oh yeah someone also said breast feeding helps so i tried it for a few weeks then stopped bc it hurt too bad (but sore ness is not the case for everyone, some people can hang but not me) but anyway it did work i was ten pounds lighter then now. so i don't know i just wanted to share some advise that i got hope it helps!!
Tishirt, welcome to the forum and congrats on the soon-to-be bundle! :D I must stress speaking with your doctor about any calorie cutting - for your safety and the baby's. Walking every day would be a good thing for both of you :D Dgillygal has it right. Snacks aren't bad if they are fruits and veggies :D

Have a great day! :D
welcome tishirt... you've come to the right place for support and encouragement... as said above, one of those support things is to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and your baby-to-be... please check with your doctor before cutting back to much... I'm sure that the doctor will approve of walking (and I hear it makes labor easier as well)

Take care and welcome..