internal bruise?!

I've been running very regularly since early January (I was always really active before then, just never ran) and everything was fine for a few months, but about 2 months ago the lower part of my right calf (about 6 inches above my ankle, right behind the shin bone) started aching. a few days after (I kept running on it) it felt like there was a bruise exactly where the aching had been, in the middle of my leg. short story, it went away, but now the same pain is back and hurting pretty badly. when I press where the pain is it's very feels like a bruise on the inside of my leg. Does anyone have any idea what's going on or how i can fix it?

Sounds like an overuse injury. How old are you? How many miles do you run a day, a week, how many times a week do you run? If you are just starting out running and are not used to it, it doesn't take much to create an overuse injury. You may have to rest it some to see improvement. Massage, hot and cold packs, an anti-inflamatory, etc. might help, but the only real cure is to rest and allow it to repair itself and then start running again gradually. Of course, these are only guesses based on my similar experiences, if it continues, see a doctor!
I'm 18 years old and I usually run 4-5 times a week at a local park or on the treadmill...if i'm at the park i'll walk for about 3 minutes, run for about 10 minues at a moderate pace over the flat part of the paved trail, walk for another 20 minutes through the hilly part, and then finish up with another probably 15 minute hard run..all this adds up to 2 3/4 miles. on the treadmill i walk 3 minutes, then run for 30-35 minutes at 6mph, and finish up by walking. after either workout i stretch for a few minutes. thanks for your help
no, it's summer right now...high 80's to 90's outside, not much different inside (air conditioning is expensive!)
i started serously running (4-5 times a week) in january '06...i was fine for a few months but then around June 06 i started getting a trobbing/aching feeling in the middle of my calf. a day or 2 after that it was very sore and felt like a bad bruise. over my summer vacation i didnt get a chance to run as often (only 2-3 times a week) and my leg completely stopped hurting. then about three days ago (close to 2 months after the pain stopped) the trobbing/aching came back and by the end of the same day the ache reappeared, i felt bruised again.

my dad (who's 58 and in very very good shape) suffers from varicose veins...i'm starting to wonder if this could a similar problem with weak vein walls...i dont know, maybe i even busted a vein? is that even possible from running?
thanks for your help
Well You should deff see a doc, and a sports therapist.

Sorry I can't help any more than that but it may be more than just a sports ingury. I'd hate to give the the wrong advice.

You could try hot and cold massage to see if it makes a diff.

does it hurt only when you run?
When you start running or after a while?
How long does the pain last?
Do you strech? - It could just be a pulled muscle or a knott.

Does it hurt when you are laying down? - If the pain goes when you have your leg in the air, then it could be a vein problem. If its the same its prob a muscle problem.