Interesting way of keeping a diary


New member
Hey Guys,

I stumbled upon this web site ( that allows you to take one picture of yourself everyday. The site then automatically compiles the images into a stop-animation video that you can embed anywhere (like a youtube video).

Anyway, the site allows you to make a note with each picture and you can view all of the past images in a calendar view. It's cool to be able to click on a date and see how you felt and how much you weighed. And on top of everything it's really motivational to be able to see weeks, months, years of accomplishment play right in front of you in a matter of seconds.

Anyway, sorry to drone on but I was pretty excited to find the site. I don't think the site was intended as a weight loss tool, but it fits the bill perfectly. If anyone else wants to check it out:
moved to off topic as it's not a personal diary...
thats really cool.. can you set your videos to private? like you can when using photobucket?

Yeah. Basically the video is private unless you give your unique embed code to someone else. That way you can decide who you want to see your video. Some people embed them on myspace for the world to see. Others don't share them at all. They simply log into their account to see their own pics/video.
This is cool. I'm gonna try it!