These are my definitions after thinking about them... I went searching for definitions of various types of workouts.. (long run, easy run, tempo, tempo interval, cruise interval, steady state run)... and they are geared towards various aspects of running:
Speed, stamina, endurance, and sometimes Power.
ok so rough definitions
speed - how fast can you run for short period of time... or your top end speed.
Endurance- how long can your run for.
stamina- ability to combine speed and endurance
power- leg strenght?
power is often lumped with hill workouts... so... I'll factor it in
when running any given race... you can say the 4 combine together and the weakest link gets you... depending on the race...
application of ideas
For argument lest say the you are running a 1/2 marathon. The precedence of your tasks should be (in my opinion)
1.) build enough endurance to finish the race
2.) build stamina to maintain the speed you have throughout the race
3.) build power so that hills don't sap your stamina or endurance
if you have all 3 of those maxed out... then it is time to start thinking about inproving your speed...
I think most beginning runners think speed first not realizing that the easiest places to improve their times... or where they are going to get the most bang for their buck... is in endurance... then stamina... and power....
Personally I think power could take precidence of stamina if you are running a hilly course... but if it is realitively flat then stamina would take precedence...
all this is based on... the idea the improving your speed is the hardest of the bunch... I mean really if we go out and sprint 40 yards or 100 yards... assuming endurance and stamina are not sapping our energy... how much can a 30,40,50 year old expect to improve in those areas? in say 8 weeks?
all this is brought about because I am adding fast running to my routine... and well I have been calling them speed work... but I really think what I will be doing is "stamina" workouts...
--- just a bunch of bable... that I have been thinking over... thought I would share my thoughts...
Speed, stamina, endurance, and sometimes Power.
ok so rough definitions
speed - how fast can you run for short period of time... or your top end speed.
Endurance- how long can your run for.
stamina- ability to combine speed and endurance
power- leg strenght?
power is often lumped with hill workouts... so... I'll factor it in
when running any given race... you can say the 4 combine together and the weakest link gets you... depending on the race...
application of ideas
For argument lest say the you are running a 1/2 marathon. The precedence of your tasks should be (in my opinion)
1.) build enough endurance to finish the race
2.) build stamina to maintain the speed you have throughout the race
3.) build power so that hills don't sap your stamina or endurance
if you have all 3 of those maxed out... then it is time to start thinking about inproving your speed...
I think most beginning runners think speed first not realizing that the easiest places to improve their times... or where they are going to get the most bang for their buck... is in endurance... then stamina... and power....
Personally I think power could take precidence of stamina if you are running a hilly course... but if it is realitively flat then stamina would take precedence...
all this is based on... the idea the improving your speed is the hardest of the bunch... I mean really if we go out and sprint 40 yards or 100 yards... assuming endurance and stamina are not sapping our energy... how much can a 30,40,50 year old expect to improve in those areas? in say 8 weeks?
all this is brought about because I am adding fast running to my routine... and well I have been calling them speed work... but I really think what I will be doing is "stamina" workouts...
--- just a bunch of bable... that I have been thinking over... thought I would share my thoughts...