Interesting quiz...


It's so annoying!!! Yet so addictive. But I give up!!!! I got so far lol.
There are some cheat sites out there that list all the answers if anyone truley gets stuck.
1: Four
2: No, but a tin can
3: K.O
4: THE ANSWER this one was fun :D and had me puzzled for abouot 5 tries
5: Right click then move over then click, or move off the screen.
6: Shallots
7: An elephant
8: Yes! (it's sort of in the middle of the screen right below the question)
9: THAT ONE (top right)
10: Dentures
11: n
12: The dot above "I"
14: Torch
16: H
17: 17.
18: Hammer
19: Blue, Orange, Green, Green, Yellow (BOGGY)
20: Seal!
21: Green flash (top left)

then i got bored... but these were fun...