Interested in supplements - Suggestions?

So I'm going to be doing a LOT of training in college. I will be hitting the gym Monday-Friday. It will consist of running/free-weights/core work primarily.

On the weekends, I'll be just jogging around at most as I don't have any workout equipment at home.

I am 5'9-5'10, with a slender frame. I have ALWAYS been skinny growing up. I was very Athletic as a kid, and only got as big as 145 pounds ( but was ripped ) . Now that I'm older, I threw on a lot of weight. Im up to 180 but it's basically all fat mass. Not muscle. My main concern is, going into the Police Force, and being skinny .... I wont be taken seriously. I want to be roughy 175-185 pounds while maintaining great if not superb athleticism. I will need to be a great runner, and have a LOT of strength. I dont want to bulk up to the point where it's hard to maneuver as I need a lot of Agility.

I'm afraid that when I work out, all this fat that I gained will be melted away, and I'll go back to being skinny and what not. Is there any kind of supplement that'll help me with this? Perhaps increase performance and help me turn this fat into muscle and help with the strength?
A couple things. You are right to a point. Bigger and stonger will help. I won't lie. But it is no where close to being as important as being trained. I was 6ft and 145 when I joined the force. Like I said before....midnight shift in the projects. Your defensive tactics and restraint training will go a ton further than strength. But respect is earned on the street by showing respect and doing your job. I was not strong. But I could run. After a few local foot pursuits captures it was rare that any local tried to run. Over time the strength came with a good routine.

With all that said don't worry right now about being cut and ripped. Lift to get strong and get in shape. Form follows function. And when you are wearing a uniform, bullet proof vest and all your equipment no one is going to know if you are ripped or not. But your strength will be evident.

i suggest you start a journal and log your activities. It will help us to help you more.

you can post questions like this in the appropriate categories, that is good. Some people only look at certain sections of the board.

BUT- you seem serious and you have a performance goal, and you are looking at a 2 year endeavour.

Go to the journal section, read a few journals and then start one of your own.

As an example- if we were seeing your running exceed 60 minutes a few times a week, we would have some supplement recommendations, ie:; lifting, advancement in strength and endurance are the "call for supplements."

p.s. you really only want to supplement an appropriate to your goals nutrition plan. ie: if you are not eating protein, don't start taking a protein supplement. Start eating protein. Hope that makes sense,.

Good questions and you seem like the real deal.

welcome to the site.

supplements aren't magic pills. Some protein powder will benefit you, as would a daily multi-vitamin, fish oil capsules, and possibly creatine monohydrate.

Beyond that, most 'fancy sounding' supplements don't do anything of benefit, and several of them (designer pro-hormones) can actually cause harm.

The goal you describe is often called a body recomposition: losing fat (slowly) while gaining muscle (slowly). Its doable, but its a very slow process because losing fat requires a caloric deficit and gaining muslce mass requires a surplus.
to recomp. the body, you eat at maintenance, and basically burn fat with cardio, and eat just enough to allow for some muscle growth.

the other option that many people go with is a cycle of bulking and cutting. you can bulk without adding much body fat, and you can cut without losing much muscle long as you're monitoring yourself and training/eating right. Plus rest/recovery.

When do you join the police force? a time frame will help us decide if you have time for the slow n steady route, or the bulk then cut route.
MiletJohn: Thank you for the assurance. I thought I was off the wall with this one as I'm to all of this.

TenPercent: That's a very good point. Fully geared, body appearance means nothing. I just want to be strong. As a small person, strength is all I would have going for me since I don't look intimidating. All I have had over the years, are my running Im not FAST, but I could always run for miles and a good pace.

Flyinfree: I'll do that. I begin my training September 8th, the first day of college. From there on, I will keep a journal tracking my progress and upload it as I go along. As per the supplement thing, I will be getting protein-powder. Something like, No-Explode for now. Just a little bit to see how it affects me. To be honest, I'd rather go all natural, but since my eating habits kinda suck, I don't think it's possible

Malkore: As I mentioned, I'll be getting on some No-Explode or Whey powder. And as per multi-vitamins, Ill just pick up some Centrum. I don't want to get the pro hormone things because since I'm so new, the last thing I want to do is cause damage.

You mentioned a Cycle of Bulking / Cutting. That is exactly what I was going for. Do you perhaps have a link to a place I can read up on this? Perhaps design a routine around it?

Also, I will begining all this September. I am in school for 2 years. This first year, I have Gym class with a retired Police Drill Sargeant 3 times a week, and will be hitting the gym per my choice the other 2 days. I suppose I could keep the remaining 2 days a week to recover, but I'd really rather go for a run to improve my endurance. ( Im lacking a lot of endurance since I gained all this weight )

So I have 1 year to reach "good condition" and 2 years to be ready to apply to the force. It's a nice long time frame so I can pace myself for the begining. However, I want to go HIIT as soon as I can. I have this obsession with being the best, and wont rest until I can do so.

Thank you all for your help. It's much appreciated having people who know what they're talking about to help you along your way :)
Just say NO to NO Explode. It is crap, with a pinch of creatine (but its not monohydrate so even that ingredient is suspect).

PURE creatine monohydrate is all you want from NO Explode, and possible caffine (a cup of black coffee)...everything else in it is rubbish.