Instant Messaging spying???

ok for all you computer ppl - on yahoo messenger I changed my archives so that I dont save ANY of my conversations, but is there a way someone can still see my convos????? My co-worker swears my boss hacked into our comps and read all our ims!!:eek: :eek:
Doesn't your boss have a job he is supposed to be doing during the day, or something?

I have no idea of the answer to this question.
There is all sorts of monitoring software. Everything you do on your system/network at work can be tracked if the right software is in place. I'd just assume that it is. Safer ;)
IMs do not track your messages, to my knowledge. You can choose to save your messages though. However this does not exclude the fact that your boss could easily have spy software on all of your computers, and could be watching everything you do. My school network has that and my teacher sometimes randomly puts up what people are up to on the interactive white board. It's hilarious, but makes you wonder.

Then again, maybe IMs do keep a log, but your boss still couldn't get hold of it without breaking numerous laws. It is most likely the spy software.
Thanks guys! I think its safe to say he is not spying after a convo we just had, but now realizing he could if he wanted to is lesson learned!! ((Don't talk crap about people in the office)) :D with the software though can emails be read too, like my personal emails I write?
Yes. Basically I'll explain it.

He could easily be able to see what you see on your computer. Through a direct link from your computer. So he could see everything you open/every move you make. He could also easily have a program which catches words like 'porn' and takes a screen shot of the page you typed that on.
Happy working :D
"New technologies make it possible for employers to monitor many aspects of their employees' jobs, especially on telephones, computer terminals, through electronic and voice mail, and when employees are using the Internet. Such monitoring is virtually unregulated. Therefore, unless company policy specifically states otherwise (and even this is not assured), your employer may listen, watch and read most of your workplace communications."

And, yes, my company stores all emails sent through their network. It's their property, not mine. They don't look at them, but they could. It's typically retained for legal reasons.
Anything you do on a work computer can be looked at, including personal email. It's legal just about everywhere for the company to do that.
Not a thing you can do about it either really.
Also if you are planning on leaving stop using it for anything other than work about 60 days before you plan to quit, thats the typical rotation schedule for server backups so the emails and messages etc are usually gone by then.
And after you leave a job change your passwords for anything personal that you have looked at, if they use a key logger then they could have those passwords.
DAM!!!!! Well then, ummm thats friggen crazy! I by no means am scared that I surf the net all day, he knows lol But I basicly don't like that when I talk crap he can know lol. Hope this helps everyone else too!
ok, i dont know what its like in the states, but in the uk, as much as the pc is theres its yours to use. they can monitor your emails etc etc, but they can only read what you ie email -its like post unless it says private and condif etc.
BUT they cant install ANYthing on your pc that monitors your activitives ie a remote desktop unless,you sign a contract / anmendment to your employement contract which states asomething about this. i got caught in a a job i hated. they spyed on me... caught me suspend me with a nesty letter (after the did an full pc review after i went home) read everything wrote it all down, and they only caught me by installing spyware. Now on this letter they listed everything all minor stuff and some stuff i had no idea that was on there... and they said i got caught trying to unstil / deactivate the spyware on my letter.
3days later i get a letter saying about my disalpinary hearing etc to cover these points...gone is all the crap about spying on me! they knew they ****ed up ... i am not sure how long it is in the UK about sueing someone about this, but you know what, i had amonth off paid and neverwent back and used the whole thing to get me of out a nasty situation and change my life for the better..
i changed everything!!! nothing remains other than my house! thats it... and i rent that out. not sure i will ever go back.
either way, i suggest you check your contract of employement and laws in your country, because you may find you have them for invasion of privacy!

Your work computer is the property of the company and, at least in the USA, your employer has both the right and the obligation to look at anything and everything you do on or with that computer. So if you are sending personnal emails and IM'ing on your work computer your "personnal" email and IM's are the property of the company, and they are legally obligated to make sure you are not doing anything like breaking the law or harassing someone on your work computer. And they also have the right to demand that you only use your work time and their computer to perform work related tasks, although most companies will not care if you don't don't over do it. You will find most company employee handbooks or policy manuals strickly forbid any personnal use of the company computer or phones, and you can be fired at any time for violating company policy.
Simple way to beat all key loggers is go to "start>all programs>accessories>accessibility> then on screen keyboard.

Now given he does not have a screen capturer (takes snap shots of the screen at a given interval) nor does he have a "packet sniffer" of sorts. Then you can talk freely without worry of snooping. for the most part at least.

There are Instant Messengers that encrypt the information so he can not intercept the PM through special "packet sniffers".

You could also kill the key logger but your boss would know you did.
Silent, what you say is true. But I think he probably would have some kind of screen viewer, if he can see emails etc. That would be the most practical way. Sorry for lack of technical term, I forget what they're called.
yeah, in my computer class our professor could watch all of our computer screens at one time....she could even take control of our computers too.
My wife was IT director for a small company (about 500 employees) for about 6 years. More than Likely Your boss doesn't look at anything you are doing. Unless you are in IT. He has other things to worry about.

IT people know everything. Anything that comes into, or is sent our of a companies computer system can tracked. From the web pages you are viewing to email. Anything that comes through the companies network.

A "sweeper" collects anything that has flagged content, like porn, bad language, or anything the company sees fit to flag. Each day the IT people go into the "sweeper" and check to see what is going on. Then they decide if it is worth going to your boss about or not.

There is no need for a screen capture, or spyware. As long as your computer is on the network the IT people know what you are doing.

Mostly they used it to see how productive people are with their time. My wife hated it because she knew everyone who was into porn, was cheating on their wife, and all sorts of other information about the companies employees.

At work "your" computer is not yours. The owner of the property can do and track whatever they see fit. Seems fair to me since it is their property.