Sport Instant Breakfasts

Sport Fitness
i bought a box of Carnation Instant Breakfast and i was wondering if this would benefit me in anyway? i drink 3 glasses of it a day. would this help me gain weight?
since its FULL of bad sugar, it might.

seriously, ditch that crap. its not that good for you, and 3 glasses/day of any 'shake' is too many.
what should i get then? i've seen something about whey in pretty much every fitness forum i've looked through. where would i get this stuff and what else could i get at a supermarket that would help me gain weight?
Whey protein is the protein extracted from dairy products. It is pretty much the best way to naturally add size. It can be found in any vitamin store like GNC or vitamin shoppe.

If you're looking to add size, consume calories. lean meats, fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits, and carbohydrates. You need to find your daily caloric intake, and eat more than that. Pretty simple. Don't just rely on suppliments and shakes to get you there. Their all pretty much junk you don't want to consume.