Insomniac Game


New member
Tis true, this thread is only for people who are up really late. Please, this isn't a way of exclusion, it just wouldn't be an insomniac thread otherwise. Anyway, only post if your local time is 12am+ and any time after that as long as you have not been asleep since 12am.

What you post about can be anything, usually I make this topic and it's just general discussion.

Now, since I'm the topic starter, I haven't much to say, other than I'm going to bed, cause its 4:04am here.

Goodnight internet.
Its 6.59 here.


Last edited:
2:10 AM all is well here
Did the OP die? on removing dark circles from under eyes?
Don't you dare say sleep.
ever have one of those nights when the nap fairy gives you the finger and says 'screw you guys, I'm going home'. yep.. thats me.
lol well looks like every is in bed, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz