Injured myself: What does this sound like to you?

Last week, I decided to add some variety to my cardio routine by jogging in the park. It was 86 degrees outside and just gorgeous, and I wanted to soak up as much of it as I could. Big mistake. I consider myself to by in pretty good shape, but I hardly ever run, except for 20 minute HIIT sessions on the treadmill.

I don’t know if it’s because my body isn’t used to that kind of exercise, or if I wasn’t using proper form, but on my second lap around the park, I felt the sides of my left knee start to burn with pain. I didn’t twist it or hear a pop: it just began to hurt. So, instead of pushing myself, I slowed to a walk and sat down on the nearest bench. I rested for about 15 minutes, and then decided to make the 10 minute walk back to my apartment. By the time I got there, I was limping. The next morning when I woke up, I couldn’t bend my knee without a shock of pain around the knee joint.

For the last week, I’ve been icing it, taking anti-inflammatory pills, resting it as much as possible (if I limped around for more than 5 minutes, it began to hurt again) and reducing my workouts to just a few laps in the pool – I found that this doesn’t hurt, and the weightlessness seems to help a bit. It’s been 6 days, and the pain has mostly subsided, I bought an Ace knee bandage and have been using that for support when walking around. I can bend my knee now without pain, but now my knee clicks when I move it a certain way and if I bend my knee while holding my kneecap, it pops (with no pain). I’m worried that I’ve torn my meniscus, and that it will require surgery to repair (cartilage doesn’t heal, right?).

Does this sound like a common runner’s injury to anyone (Runner’s Knee?), and is there anything I should do for it besides rest? I want to start working out again, but I don’t know how much longer I should wait – my knee still feels weak. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s not 100%. I’m so angry at myself for allowing this to happen… I’m so worried that I’ve permanently damaged my knee cartilage.
Saphron, by what you are describing it sounds like you may have irritated your illotibial band. It is a large tendon that runs from the side of the knee all the way up to the hip area and is a very common injury among runners. Is the pain restricted to the knee or does it run further up the side of your leg and thigh? If it does, it probably is the illotibial. There are stretches for this injury that will help. You shouldn't have to stop running, just make sure you stretch it real good and take it easy until you feel it has healed completely. Hope this helps! -- Jorge
I agree with Jorge. You are having IT band issues or patella tracking problems. In either case, seek out a phyisician or a good NASM trainer to give you some drills to improve "irratation:.

Again, people , we are using the "HIIT" phrase very loosely. I would love to see HIIT in action by some of us.
Saphron Girl....they are correct in that it is most likely and ITB issue. This lateral knee pain is a complaint common in women, when running hills (as in a park) or if you run without first stretching your glutes.
The pain you felt can most likely be prevented next time by stretching your glutes, doing foam rolling of the IT band and by strengthening the vasti medialis, lateralis to support your knee. If the clicking is painless then it is best to leave alone. Painless clicking is due to sometimes air in the joint or a tendon rubbing along a bony prominence.
Your menisci are mostly likely fine as you felt the pain in your lateral knee and almost all menisci injuries are to the medial menisci as it is a less stable/resistant than the lateral.

Feel better!
Having done an IT Band myself it sounds like IT injury. But immobilizing the knee isnt characteristic of a IT band injury. Id tend to go with the tendon sheath being torn exposing it to the tuberosites. Maybe you have injured your capsule as well that would kind of explain joint immobility. But anyway go see a physio and if it is an IT band look forward to many electrode and squash ball sessions to come! Oh fun times
Thanks for the info guys... slowly but surely, it's getting less painful. I'm still going to make an appointment to see a doctor, though (just to make sure that I don't run the risk of further injury).
It's amazing how much it hurt!