I tore my ACL running two months ago, and i am now back to walking, although i have a limp, and experience pain from time to time still. The tear was not severe enough to *need* surgery to heal, so the orthopedic surgeon sent me to physical therapy and just had me wait for it to heal by itself. Before the tear i was running 5-7 miles 3-4 times a week. I was wondering if i should just jump back in? my physical therapist is no help, and justs says to do as much as i can as quickly as i can. I of course also did other workouts (pushups, crunches, etc) and kept some up, but i had to let a few drop, but i dont think itll be a big deal to pick those few up again because they dont directly workout the leg (knee). Also, how much muscle mass have i lost in two months from not walking? how far can i expect to be able to run, or do you think ill be able to run decently at all? Anyway, any advice you all have on getting back into the normal routine is much appriciated.