Injured, how to jump back in?

I tore my ACL running two months ago, and i am now back to walking, although i have a limp, and experience pain from time to time still. The tear was not severe enough to *need* surgery to heal, so the orthopedic surgeon sent me to physical therapy and just had me wait for it to heal by itself. Before the tear i was running 5-7 miles 3-4 times a week. I was wondering if i should just jump back in? my physical therapist is no help, and justs says to do as much as i can as quickly as i can. I of course also did other workouts (pushups, crunches, etc) and kept some up, but i had to let a few drop, but i dont think itll be a big deal to pick those few up again because they dont directly workout the leg (knee). Also, how much muscle mass have i lost in two months from not walking? how far can i expect to be able to run, or do you think ill be able to run decently at all? Anyway, any advice you all have on getting back into the normal routine is much appriciated.
I would start slow. First off assess your fitness. Im sure in 2 months your cardiovascular, respiratory, and lactic acid tolerances have went down considerably.
Allen is correct. You have probably lost ALL of your running conditioning... Here is a scale from Jeff Galloway on taking time off from running due to injury:

Rest Time = Conditioning Lost
1-5 days = 0-1%
7 days = 10%
14 days = 35%
21 days = 60%
28 days = 85%
35 or more = 100%

Also, Galloway suggests that you will need AT LEAST twice the number of weeks you took off to gradually build back to pre-injury level.

Another thing to remember is that you need to correct whatever caused the injury in the first place.

Take it nice and easy and be patient.

Keep us posted on your progress,
100% of my cardio gone?!? *bangs head against wall*

well, as for what caused it, it was a fall, so its not something i can easily correct, but thanks for the tip. I am still limping a bit, and have some pain, so i havent tried the first run yet... im almost afraid to do it, to be honest. I really dont want to get out there and not be able to run... my muscle strength is increasing dramatically -- ive been working out as much as i am able to -- but i know thats not going to help at all with running. well, it'll help some, i guess, but not too much (those body builder guys run slower than my grandma). And so according to Galloway i wont be pre-injury level for FOUR MORE MONTHS?!? im going to rot away here... actually, ive already been rotting away for the past two months. :(

Cross country training starts in a few months for next season (we get an early start), so do you think Galloway might have been exagerating? it seems insane to think that it will take me 4 months of intensive running to build back up my strength...
well it all depends on how hard you work. but don't kill yourself, i tore my ACL & MCL are required surgery and I was out of football for over a year.. look @ it this way, you'll make some friends @ the physical therapist's office :) lol
The fact that your walking with a limp indicates that your ligaments have not fully healed so like these guys have already advised:- take it slow. You might want to try conditioning your lower body using a balance board. This will provide core stability and you will feel the difference when you try running. How often do you see your physical therapist? I've dealt with ACL tears that have not needed surgery and it does take approximately four months of rehabilitation before returning to sport. That includes general strength training, electrical stimulation therapy, cryotherapy and eventually increasing stamina, endurance and agility by using many different drills. When you go through the various drills you will definately know whether you are ready to jump back into your sport or not. Good luck :)