my head is spinning
:jump1: from all the info & details you can get into when managing nutrition & workout regimens etc.
In the meantime as I try & absorb the massive amount of info.. thought
I'd ask if anyone would be kind enough to give me some simple specific advice..
my goal is to lose/burn fat and tone up.
Currently the marjoity of my workout schedule is in the late afternoon.
weight training 2-3 days a week and cardio 3-4 days a week.
some days we incorporate both (lifting then jog after)
my question, is what would you reccomend eating before / after
the workout, depending on what day it is (cardio vs weights)
I allready have started to plan my dinner "meal" after working out vs before.
but I know you need fuel b4 and after - just what exactly?
(proteins vs carbs)
and should I eat my meal right after workouts or wait a few hours?
my head is spinning
In the meantime as I try & absorb the massive amount of info.. thought
I'd ask if anyone would be kind enough to give me some simple specific advice..
my goal is to lose/burn fat and tone up.
Currently the marjoity of my workout schedule is in the late afternoon.
weight training 2-3 days a week and cardio 3-4 days a week.
some days we incorporate both (lifting then jog after)
my question, is what would you reccomend eating before / after
the workout, depending on what day it is (cardio vs weights)
I allready have started to plan my dinner "meal" after working out vs before.
but I know you need fuel b4 and after - just what exactly?
(proteins vs carbs)
and should I eat my meal right after workouts or wait a few hours?