Cohen's Lifestyle Indigestion on Cohen's

Prefix for Cohen's Lifestyle


New member

Day 6 today and have not deviated once and don't intend to!

Anyway, just wondering if anyone else gets indigestion on this diet, I am finding I am burping a bit, especially today? Don't know if it is related to Cohen's or something else.

Thanks and it's great reading every one's comments and having a support network to help and understand.


I am finished Cohen's but still like to read the forums and sometimes offer some advice/comments.

I used to suffer from Hyatis Hernia and Reflux. I actually found that being on Cohen's made this all go away. I was on Pariet tablets and stopped taking them after a couple of weeks.

It may be something else with you I am not sure. Are you drinking heaps of water? I was drinking about 4 litres at the beginning then went to 3 litres once I hit about 75kg and now still drink at least 2 litres a day.

If it keeps up I would suggest you talk to your consultant.

Keep up the good work.

Skinny hugs :hug2:
