Increasing upper body muscle help.

So yea a bit of background info: I've never been very athletic (done martial arts and hiking from a very young are though), I've always been over weight-however 2 months ago I went on a diet and cut my weight down to what it's supposed to be. I'm 17.
I'm sure this questions been asked a hundred times over.

So basically I need to increase my upper body strength/muscle mass, mainly because I do martial arts and upper body strength helps for grappling ect, but also because when I started to loose weight I did a lot of jogging and now my legs look disproportionate to the rest of my body.
I can't afford a gym pass, so I have to use what I have at home-which isn't much.
Not aiming to end up huuuuge, just more muscular-so what exercises should I do?

If you read all that have a gold medal.