Increased urination with creatine

I was using creatine for 4 months and noticed I was urinating every hour. I stopped taking it two weeks ago to begin my cut cycle and now the urination as stopped. I googled it and noticed it's a common problem. I guess this means my body isn't absorbing the creatine.

I figure my problem is that I have been mixing creatine with protein, glutamine, and milk in a single post-exercise drink. The milk and protein could be preventing my stomach from absorbing the creatine.

Is the best method to take creatine with water before exercising, then protein/glutamine+water post exercise?
the frequent urination i experienced is becuase i drank upwards of 1-1 1/2 gallons of water a day, that will do it every time.

Iv read that taking creatrine with a carb drink can help the absorbtion., but im no expert. But i have alwaysed used water.
A quick search revealed :-

What are common side effects? These side effects include intestinal cramping, diarrhea, increased urination, and dehydration. These might be explained by the high doses of creatine people take. Many companies require that you "load" creatine by taking high doses for the first five days. When these high doses of powder enter the stomach they draw water from the body, causing the intestine to contract, just drinking sea water. These high doses do not translate into higher creatine levels in your muscle. Instead, they may be the very cause of the side effects, including intestinal cramping, diarrhea, increased urination, and dehydration.

Have you been taking high doses of some highly priced creatine (It appears the companies want you to take high doses and it don't come cheap)?