Increased Horniness Levels [MA]

As far as I know there is no such thing as a human mating period - we mate when we feel like it. But for the past month I have been really horny... I'm only 20 years old, masturbate regularly, but get hard at the most unerotic times. And the office just isn't helping... We don't have a dress policy, and the girl who works next to me tends to dress comfortably... Today it was a pair of gray jogging pants, a white tee, and absolutely no underwear (no I'm not perverted, but you cannot get that kind of butt definition with underwear on).

A friend of mine told me I was 'peeking' - being at a sexual height... I don't know about that though. What's your guys take on this?
I beleive the male sex drive peaks around 18-20 age compared to women whos peak occurs during the 25th year. I suppose your androgens and pumping through your blood increasing your sex drive.. all normal i suppose..
I disagree with that the male sex drive is at it's peak at 18-20 range. I am 37 and my sex drive is throught he roof.

I just think you are hot for the girl next to you, are you interested in dating her?

Just a natural male instinct.

I been married 10 years, dated my wife 7 years prior to that. Almost known her half my life.

to this day, all she has to do is where a simply outfit and bamn, I am hot for her, a simple look, etc. My hormones kick right in have zero control of it. The nice part is, my wife's sex drive is catching up to mine now, while hers has been above average then most woman, her drive has increased through the years. Which I believe is being more comfortable and relaxed with herself and me.
I beleive the male sex drive peaks around 18-20 age compared to women whos peak occurs during the 25th year.

This is a common myth, although usually the myth goes that men peak in their teens while women peak in their 40s. This myth was started by old battleaxes who wanted to get laid by teenage boys.
I disagree with that the male sex drive is at it's peak at 18-20 range