Incantations while running or cycling


I am new to the forum and to running. I was running today and was repeating the phrase "I am a lean, mean, running machine" in my head over and over again. I found it very helpful.

What phrases do you use while running? I am looking for a few suggestions that I can use during my run.

"I am a lean, mean, running machine"

That sounds rather funny, I laughed when I saw it, but don't take that as a negative comment - I know sometimes the silliest things make the biggest difference.

This is a good idea for a topic by the way. Some of the things I will say repeatedly to myself while running, which are not really incantations, as I use repetitive, fast dance music as my 'incantation':

"Focus on one goal at a time, I have to reach the top of this hill before I can do anything else, think about other things later, if I still want to"

"This is the moment where progress is made or lost"

"Make my body work, my mind must be at peace"

"There is no other time to do this, it can not be put off until later, it has to be done now or never"

And half of the time I will just think about my breathing - ie, "breathe in, breathe out".
Thank for your thoughts!
Maybe I can ask for a favor.... Can you ask your friends (as I see you have aplenty) to also comment on this and we can perhaps have a better list to think about and run/cycle.
I download dance mash-up mix tunes, at the moment DJ Earworm and Greg J, both fantastic- running is my "dancing to the beat" as I am to uncoordinated to dance and look good at the same time!
I tell myself whilst pushing my endurance " Go the extra mile which your opponent might not be training for"
I hum the Rocy theme song in my head "dudu-duuuuuuu dudu-duuuuuu dududu-du-du-du dududu-dudu-dudu-du-duuuuuuuu"

I also occasionally stop to jump up and down with my hands in the air.
I completed my first London Marathon this year (and got a sub-3 time which I was very pleased with).

Repeating phrases doesn't come into my running that much as I listen to music but if I am on a tough hill I like "Hills are always Harder". I know that the other side will be easier then...