in need of guidance

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I've never been on or even used a forum before. I think i'm looking for help. About 2 years ago i started working out. over the 2 years i became a fitness guru. i went from 120lbs, to 103lbs. I became slightly obsessed with working out and eating healthy. My life revolved around working out and planning my meals and reading about health and fitness. i was able to keep this obsession at bay thought because i'm not endangering myself and its not affecting anyone else it was ok. a few months ago i had some health problems, and had to go for a series of testing throughout this, my doctor told me i was not allowed to work out. This is when the real problem started. I was devistated. I cried, and i fought with my parents and boyfriend because i wanted to workout "lightly" anyways. Well there was no way they were going to let me. Over the next couple months signs of an anxiety disorder became very apparent, i have had the symptoms for almost a year now, but they became much worse and my doctor has diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder. Also, i became extremely paranoid about gaining weight due to not exercising. i was eating close to 2000 calories while i worked out. but b/c i wasnt working out, i was scared i wouldnt be burning these caloires. so i cut back and i cut back. my weight droped to 91lbs. i'm extremely obsessed and have to know the exact nutritional value of every thing that goes in my mouth, if i dont know the calories, i wont eat it. there are times when i have to eat something i dont know, and i become very upset to the point i want to cry. I went out for breakfast and forgot to say "no butter on the toast" i got so upset about it i couldnt eat. I am dissapointed in myself that i have let this happen, i am embarrassed and i am unable to tell my parents or my doctor, i have with some force talked to my boyfriend about it. I can admit i have a problem, but at the same time i dont want to fix it for fear of gaining weight. My doctor just gave me the ok to go back to working out. I'm hoping this will help me and i'll start to actually eat again. I know i need to increase my calories once i start back at the gym, but i'm not sure how to go about doing this without gaining too much weight. I really dont want to have to involve or burden my parents with this, and so im wondering if there is anyways i can overcome this on my own?
you are definately in the right place. we can help you and give you all the support you need. But first :) ... right in paragraphs, makes it easier for us to read ;).

Well, here is some helpful tips. When you are working out regularly, your body gets into a routine as far as food consumption and exercise. If you stop exercising or even binge once in awhile, your body will compensate in whatever means are necessary. In fact, it's encourage to have a "binge-day" once a week where you eat whatever you want ... this may shock you, but, by the next day, you'll be back to your normal weight as your body will have kicked into high gear to burn off the extra calories.

Now, tell me something ... when you look at the nutrition label, what are you looking for? fat? calories? ... if you are looking directly at the fat ... DON'T. Not to say ignore it, but use it as a ratio to everything else because your body NEEDS the fat to function properly.

I'll leave it at that, but feel free to ask any questions or if you just want support, simply tell me to shut up :) ... i am a guy and sometimes i don't know when to just listen ;)
No, Thank you for wanting to help. When i read labels, i basically read calories and fat. i wont eat anything higher than 200-300 calories and anything over 6 grams of fat....
well, i suppose if you are keeping low calories, then 6g might be reasonable, but i'll have to double-check some of the foods i eat.

How tall are you? What would you describe as your bone-structure? Do you know what the healthy weight zone is for yourself?

I know that my step-sister sways around 100lbs and is about 5'6", i think ... she may have a small bone structure, but she is really not at that healthy of a weight. You have to find a weight that you are confortable with AND, more importantly, is healthy and make that your goal ... and don't aim for the low end of a zone ... for example, a healthy weight for me is between 165-195 based on different bone structures ... i wouldn't aim for 165 because i know that's at the bottom end of the healthy scale. I would aim for around 170-175.
I'm 5'1", i weight 91lbs. and my BMI is 17.2, which is under weight. I used to be happy at 103. I think 103 is healthy for me. I'm not sure what my bone stucture is...some where between small and medium i think. I'm going to start back at the gym tomorrow. I'm going to try and increase my calorie intake but i'm scared that i've slowed my metabolism down. Should i do a slow and gradual increase to keep from gaining fat weight, i want to gain weight in muscle
if you are going to the gym regularly again, your body is going to need the extra calories other wise your body might shut down and you are more likely to get sick. I would still increase it gradually, but not too gradually. Also, focusing more on protein foods than carbs will also help from any excess food turning into fat.
First thing you need to do is get some counseling because what is happening with you is dangerous. From the description in your E-mail it appears that you are suffering from a form of anorexia nervosa. The only way to handle this is with proper counseling from a trained counselor; what you are doing right now is damaging your internal organs (heart, liver, intestines, etc.) because the body is utilizing important muscle tissue to make fuel. Continuation in deprivation will shorten your lifespan. Try researching anorexia on the web as well. Please; we all wish to look great and be healthy, but the price for it must be within reason.
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