Improving the stamina and ability to run further.

So, give me some suggestions...

I have never been a good runner. Even in grade school when they made us run a mile, those of us who weren't able to do it, cheated :D.

I'm fairly athletic and can do HIIT to some extent, but I'd like to be able to run a mile, and I honestly can barely run 1/4 of a mile, given how I have the ability to participate in sports without dropping dead, I should be able to run!

Mainly, it's my legs that start to give out, then I really start losing the stamina. I've tried different breathing and stretching techniques, none of which have helped.
Keep going with the HITT unless there is a really go reason you want to run a mile.

For begginers I say that if you want a something to aim for, aim to do 1.5mile in 12mins or less. Thats what you need to be able to do to be shortlisted for fireman training and also get into the army.
those of us who weren't able to do it, cheated :D.
Haha, and the instructor with the stop watch never really paid attention. :p

I agree with MoK. Unless there is a reason you want to run a mile, keep with HIIT. BUT if you badly want to run a mile, all you have to do is keep at it. I was in the same place as you, but I started off running HIIT, which *eventually* got my breathing, and my legs in check...and soon enough I was able to run a good mile.

It is mainly an issue of your body adapting to the new change. You keep going with it, and your body will recognize it more and more, and before you'll be running your mile. I wish you the best. :)
Start HIIT slow

do 10 minute HIIT every other day. either mon/wed/fri or tue/thurs/sat. Do it at least 3 days a week (2 is okay). For beginners (you), walk, run, sprint.

walk 3 minutes (fast walking pumping your arms)
run (not too fast and not too slow. 50-60% of the fastest you can go) for 1 minutes
sprint (fast as you can go and if your body gives out, keep pushing. thats the only way to get faster and improve your cardio system) for 5-10 seconds.

and then start over again with the walking, then running, sprinting until you have completed 4 laps (1 mile). Use a stop watch to keep track of your time. When you start getting more energy and less tired, you can do less walking, more running, same amount of sprinting unless you do want to become a track runner. ex. 30 seconds walk, 2 minutes run, 5-10 seconds sprint. Everytime you think you can do more (have more energy), decrease the amount of walking time and increase the amount of running time and start running 80% of your full speed.
assuming your problem is that you are running out of breath and have to slow...

if you can't run a mile... maybe you are going too fast... or if you really can't even jog a mile... I'm not sure you are even up to HIIT...

Try just intervals... like find a soccer field or a football field...

1 lap walk...

---- level 1 ------------
jog long side... walk short

---- level 2 ------------
jog long, sprint short, jog long, walk short..

---- level 3 ------------
sprint long side... walk short

---- level 4 ------------
sprint short sides... jog longs...

----level 5 ------------
sprint longs
jog shorts...
. jog short long.... repeat

at any rate... if you can keep that up for 5 laps you are just about at a mile... if you get to level 5 and can do... 5 laps... I'll bet you will be able to do a mile under 10 minutes...

ok if you are not out of breath and your legs go rubbery on you
find some steep hills and run up them... then walk or jog back down... the run back up them...

it really doesn't matter what you do... as long as you get out and run... make sure you cover at least a mile... in your run walks... and before you know it you will be able to run the whole way...

Good luck... BTW in June of this year... I failed trying to run a mile in 10 minutes on a treadmill... and a couple weeks ago I ran 3.1 in 25 minutes... which is just over an 8 minute mile... and now I regularly run 6 miles at a time... it really is amazing how quickly you will get in shape... if you do it 4-5 times a week ... more than 5 and body might fall apart... for me if I push it beyond 5 everything starts hurting...

Good luck! Let us know how it goes...
ok im brand new to this forum. so i found how to reply but how do i start my own thread?... my bad for askin here :-D
Go to the forum (where you see the list of threads) page. On the top left you have 'New Thread' button in brown color (as per my monitor).

if you really want to run a mile....

well you may just be running too fast for your mile isnt a lot...
reduce your speed a little...and make sure you have an incline...when you can run a mile at this pace try increase the speed by .2 each time this gets easy...thats one suggestion to your speed up... youll be able to run farther as well...if that is your goal...