Improve Grip

Other than forearm exercises, is there anything I can do to increase the strength in my actual 'hand' and get a stronger grip?

I'm trying to get my veins to 'pop out' at the top part of my hands. lol :p
Grip strength IS in the forearm. If you want to increase grip strength without forearm exercises....your out of luck.

Not sure what you mean here...
Hang from your roof or another hang-over ledge. Start doing hanging exercises. Your grip grows fairly marginally in a short period of time. You'll also notice the time it takes your grip to fatigue grows... Your forearms will also get pretty ripped/large.

This is a fairly common question on some of the parkour forums, and most everybody gives the same answer "hang from a ledge...". I didn't have a pull-up bar, so the closest thing was an I beam at the school down the street from my house. I started doing pull-ups and ab exercises from there, and noticed my grip when biking and other things increased almost exponentially since I started doing those exercises from a beam and bar...
Another idea which was mentioned in that article is to use a towel or maybe some foam to make the bars thicker.