Important information for men!


We're enduring a very caustic cinematic season this year, avoid seeing the following movies:

1) P.S. I love you
2) 27 dresses

Your testosterone will plummet, your estrogen will rise and your pecker may altogether fall-off. These are Chick-Flicks and while it's good to get in touch with your feminine side from time to time.....these movies are just going too far. Also, these movies cause catabolism!!!!!!

On a side-note, Cloverfield is not about some stupid field of clovers; this movie has been approved by the Dude-Board and okay for viewing.

OH, and avoid any movie featuring Hugh Grant....what did we ever do to England to deserve that!!?? Because, DAMN!

this guy is toooo much!

I'd claim him if he got arrested for indecent exposure! hahahaha

I'm not a part of the 'official' dude-board, but I'll concur on Cloverfield. Saw it tonight. A giant monster knocking down buildings and causing general mayhem all over Manhattan? Um, yeah. Hell yeah.
Well that only makes three that have said Cloverfield was good.

Moved to the lounge. Dont think this has anything to do with weight loss.
I currently have Boogeyman dvd sitting on the table. I need to watch it tonight so I can go exchange it for something. Maybe Death Proof.
I currently have Boogeyman dvd sitting on the table. I need to watch it tonight so I can go exchange it for something. Maybe Death Proof.

You haven't seen Death Proof and you're holding a copy of Boogeyman? :argue:

Planet Terror's a little better, though, if you haven't seen that part either.
I'm not a dude but I wouldn't watch 27 Dresses or P.S. I Love You...and Hugh Grant? You've got to be kidding me. Who is watching any of this crap?

Otherwise, I highly recommend that you manly-men add "There Will Be Blood" to the mix. Freakin' amazing movie.
Your testosterone will plummet, your estrogen will rise and your pecker may altogether fall-off!

Dont think this has anything to do with weight loss.

Even a small one weighs something Tony.....:) :) :)

Sorry, I'm usually not about the crude sexual jokes. Honestly, I just wish this forum had more chit-chat and sense of humor. I was hoping the thread would evolve into some humor & commentary about movies...which it has. :) And yeah, it belongs in this section....thanks Tony, no prob. :)

Cloverfield was interesting...a bit implausible, but in a world where a ding-bat like Brittney Spears can be a super-star, why not a strange monster roaming New York? There are a lot of things that don't make sense, but still...I found it fun & interesting.

Just saw SuperBad...very cute! I heard American Gangster was excellent too!
while we are talking about bad movies....

I haven't seen it, but "Meet The Spartans" is an absolute MUST MISS!

I would have to be paid to sit through that, seriously!
No Country For Old Men...that was a manly movie.