Sport Importance of breakfast

Sport Fitness
So, I basically know how important breakfast is in a healthy diet, but I have begun to get a bit lazy about eating it.

When I first wake up, I'm not all that hungry, and eating feels a bit weird.

Does anyone have any valuable information about what happens when you don't eat enough breakfast. I need something to scare me into eating enough in the mornings. I'm looking for scientific information about what physically happens to the chemicals in your body.

Right now, all I eat for breakfast is usually just a little bit of yogurt.
I don't have science, I just think of it this way. During the day, you know how it is, the general rule is to eat every 2-3 hours. While you sleep, obviously you aren't eating. So if you sleep for 7-8 hours, that's a pretty long time. Imagine doing that while you are awake, you would feel guilty, and it would just be unnatural (assuming you do eat every 2-3 hours). So as soon as you wake up, the soonest you can refuel your body will nutrients, the better! Sorry if this isn't what you were looking for.
try making a shake or something, (banana, milk, almonds, sunflower seeds, scoop of protein powder, etc) I find it a lot easier to chuck down a shake than anything else in the morning.
Thanks for the tips guys. I got serious, and I'm eating 3 eggs from my very own chickens now. Now I just need some carbs, and I'll be all set.

I'm going to do some research today on the importance of breakfast.
Do it. I agree with Karky...I've been drinking my breakfast for over a year now, and love it. 75 grams of oats blended in a coffee grinder, with 2 scoops of whey, 12 grams flax seeds, milk...bam, day started! :D
yeah, and the breakfast should be a big meal too, as you normally have to function at work/school with it for a long time. You also need to kick start your body after atleast 8 hours of fasting. My breakfast shake has about 1000cals. I'm not recommending you eat the same ammount, since our cal needs are obviously different.
Thanks for the tips guys. I got serious, and I'm eating 3 eggs from my very own chickens now. Now I just need some carbs, and I'll be all set.

I'm going to do some research today on the importance of breakfast.

What about ...

- whole wheat bagel or toast with natural peanut butter
- banana, apple, grapefruit, kiwi or some other fruit
- some ' pure ' orange juice or apple juice, grapefruit juice etc.
- rolled oats
Perhaps you are getting tired of eating the same old every morning. Try mixing it up a bit and you'll find it that you'll revert back to your old self. Also, don't force yourself to eat if you're not hungry or don't want to eat. Forcing yourself to eat can introduce another problem that will be worst than not eating breakfast. To name a few, forcing yourself to eat can train your body to want to eat only at those times - kind of like my old dog who I give food everyday at 5pm, and 7am. When 5pm rolls around, regardless of the fact if she ate earlier or not, she starts to salivate heavily and become anxious until food is given. So basically this same behavior can happen to people. So don't force yourself to eat every morning, because when that time comes, regardless of the fact of what you ate earlier, you can begin to get intense cravings.

Why eat traditional things for breakfast? I say have maybe a sandwich, cereal, protein drink, or something else. Mix it up for a few days, and you'll see you'll want to go back to your old breakfast.

Also, are you getting 8 hours of sleep everynight? Or maybe you're eating right before going to bed, and when you wake up you're not hungry because you already ate. Also, how is your bm movement? Are you having one every morning before eating? Sometimes when you're full of "you-know," you are not hungry. Try getting into the habit of going in the morning, so that way you can feel fresh and ready to eat.
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Yeah I agree - only eat when hungry. I haven't been feeling up to eating breakfast lately and I think it's because with the onset of cold weather I have been less active at night. I think it is my body telling me to slow down on the food intake since, well, I'm not doing that much!
I used to never eat breakfast, simply because I "never felt like eating" that early after getting up. Well, I learned the importance of eating right when waking up, and I built a habit of eating upon waking. Now, it's like clockwork. If I know your goals SP, it's to gain weight, so it's especially important to get in meals even if you aren't necessarily hungry.
i never been a breakfast guy as i never was really hungry very early in the morning
what i did was just force myself to eat until it was a habit:
a huge bowl of oatmeal with nonfat milk, with half a banana, mixed berries, walnuts, and vanilla whey: around 700 calories
Yeah, if I only ate when I was hungry I would probably only get about 1000 calories a day. That's not realistic for me.

About half of my meals are eaten when I'm not really hungry.

For me breakfast is not enjoyable, but I'll try to mix up what I eat so it can become a little more tolerable. It could just be that I'm not used to eating in the morning.

I had a similar feeling about breakfast. I generally wake-up feeling not-so-hungry. I figured the less I eat, the better (for losing weight). If I'm not hungry, then why bother? So here's what I gathered:

1) I've read again and again and again several reports that show that the most common denominator in people who have lost weight and successfully kept it that they all have a breakfast!

2) Then there's the theory that by eating you get your metabolism going and it's beneficial to the whole picture. I suppose that's a page borrowed from the old "fat burns in a carbohydrate flame" notion.

3) The yogurt is said to have benefits that specifically target abdominal fat and having some first-thing in the morning is supposed to be excellent. One nutritionist I saw instructed me to have the yogurt immediately and then, one hour later, have my breakfast.

4) Chemically, I don't have specific science for you....but, after fasting all night long, your blood-sugar is relatively low and your best bet is to actually maintain a balanced eating upon waking is supposed to bring you back up to speed.

5) Every trainer, nutrionist and dietician I've ever seen insists that eating breakfast is crucial & just do what many of us do; eat a healthy, simple & well-balanced meal.

Here is what I eat....

I keep a large tub in the frig, in it is a combination of:
1) Flax seed meal
2) Lecithin
3) Bran fiber
4) Wheat germ
5) Oat fiber

I take one scoop of that, one scoop of Grape Nuts cereal, add some raisons, cranberries and pour some low-fat soy milk over it. It's just a small/med bowl.

I then take 1/3 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup boysenberry/pomegranate juice and some water....then add a small scoop of Green Vibrance and 2/3rd's a small scoop of protein powder. Mix & drink.

This is a blend of carbs, fats & protein..loaded with fiber and all sorts of nutrients. I figured out it's about 325-350 calories. At this point in the day you don't need more protein and I save that for later following workouts.

Good luck!