Sport I'm skinny-fat. Should I bulk or cut first? (pics and diets included in post)

Sport Fitness
Age 23
Ht. 5'9
Wt. 160lbs
Bf. 16% (got it off a digital Tanita scale, dunno how accurate)
BMR 1782 (again, I don't know how accurate this is. I've recently changed my diet significantly ie- removed 70 cans of beer a week from it)

I just started lifting 5 days a week and I do cardio (jog) 2-3 days a week for 10-20 minutes (1 mile or 2) at a time, staying in my target HR for the majority of those minutes.

Here is the BULK diet that I've come up with -

Here is the CUT diet that I've come up with -

Which of these routes would you recommend I take first? I know that if I cut now, I'll have very little muscle to show for it once I've lost my fat. Would it be harder to build muscle with my BULK diet after doing a cut? I've tried to make each diet as clean as possible.

I read threads similar to the one I'm making now, where skinnyfat people asked whether or not they should bulk first or cut, and I saw alot of people recommending a slow bulk to start. I'm afraid that if I did that I'd gain alot of fat. The reason I think this is because I'm a complete novice to weight lifting, and I'm probably not going to build muscle very fast while I'm trying to learn proper form and progress in my training to lifting heavier amounts. I fear that all of those calories in my bulk diet would turn to fat. If is indeed a good possibility, I'd rather be losing weight now with a cutting diet and worry about bulking later with a clean bulk diet.

This stuff is all new to me, but I have tried to do my share of research so that I at least understand the basis of what I'm trying to do here. It's just that I don't have any first hand experience with how the body reacts to diets and stuff like that.

Any help or suggestions you guys could give would be highly appreciated.
If your trying to put on muscle id recomend a bulk first. since you say you are a beginner you will most likely see results no matter how you lift. yea youll get fat but you will also put on lean muscle. Do concentrate on proper form and technique when you start lifting. and since your bulking cut the cardio to once a week max.
check this page out for excercise descriptions and videos.
If your trying to put on muscle id recomend a bulk first. since you say you are a beginner you will most likely see results no matter how you lift. yea youll get fat but you will also put on lean muscle. Do concentrate on proper form and technique when you start lifting. and since your bulking cut the cardio to once a week max.
check this page out for excercise descriptions and videos.

I agree, a clean bulk though would be best. Add about 20 pounds of muscle and you should be good for a cut. Read the stickies and do some research also.
Thanks for your responses guys, I appreciate the help! jman, at my current pace in regards to diet and lifting, how long do you think it would take me to gain 20 pounds of muscle? I'm not in any hurry or anything, as I know it'll take time, I just want to have a timeframe to shoot for, so I know whether or not I'm on track. Also, what would be the best way to tell how much muscle weight I've gained?

I'm only taking a multi (walgreens brand, probably not the best), 2-4 fish oil tablets a day, and whey/casein protein as supplements. Should I be taking creatine as well to help me bulk?
Thanks for your responses guys, I appreciate the help! jman, at my current pace in regards to diet and lifting, how long do you think it would take me to gain 20 pounds of muscle? I'm not in any hurry or anything, as I know it'll take time, I just want to have a timeframe to shoot for, so I know whether or not I'm on track. Also, what would be the best way to tell how much muscle weight I've gained?

I'm only taking a multi (walgreens brand, probably not the best), 2-4 fish oil tablets a day, and whey/casein protein as supplements. Should I be taking creatine as well to help me bulk?

To gain 20 pounds of muscle would take about 6-7 monthes. I'm assuming your a beginner at all weight lifting and stuff so if you clean bulk by eating alot of healthy food to add weight you could possibly lose a little fat too depending on how strict you are. To tell how much muscle weight you have gained get some bodyfat calipers to check your composition. I recommend checking every 5 pounds to make sure your on track. The supplements you are taking are good ones; Creatine will also help you on a bulk but make sure you cycle it.