I'm new, just looking for some support.


New member
I'm an 18 female, I weigh 96kg and I'm 1.81metres tall. I've already lost 14kg but still have to lose another 16kg to hit my target weight of 80kg. I play sports frequently- football twice a week and field hockey twice a week- those training sessions last around 2 hours. I mainly walk instead of going by car. I try to be active but i have bad days when i dont leave my house and the most exercise i do is going up and down the stairs. I recently sustained an injury to my ACL which has had a really negative impact on my exercise level as i haven't been able to train with my team and this has also had a bad effect on my mood level, it is healing now so I'm going to resume sports gradually. I have been on a low carb diet for some time now and it really works but lately i have felt alot of temptation as i live with other people and they are not dieting so it is difficult sometimes to stay on track but i haven't went off the diet yet which im proud of but my will power can only take me so far.
Hi, AF & welcome to the forum :)
"my will power can only take me so far."
On the contrary- your willpower will take you wherever you want it to. You can do this. Keep going, knowing that when you get back into your training & playing it will drop off even faster & you will then be anonymously fit & slim :)
That is the worst part, that other people around you are eating all that they want and you can't. I've embraced healthy eating but my family, most who are overweight, will not and I'm constantly surrounded by tons of unhealthy food.