I'm new here!!


New member
Hello everyone!! I lost 80 pounds in 2009 and kept it off since then. Went from 275 pounds to 195. How I did that? I basically stopped eating processed food and gluten food. Although I'm not allergic to gluten, I somehow felt that wheat products make me addictive and stopped eating them alltogether.
So, I ate what's left, which is whole foods. But I tried to eat only veggies that are proclaimed to be superfoods (avocado, garlic, carrots, ginger, kale, onions, spinach, celery etc.). I also tried to eat fruits that are superfoods (berries, apples, grapefruit etc.). And you guessed it, I also ate fats that are Superfoods (olive oil, coconut oil) and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, chia, flax) and some nuts (almond, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts etc.). My proteins come mostly from chicken and fatty fish (salmon, mackarel, tuna, sardines) and less from lean beef or pork tenderloin. I also eat non-procesed dairy (Greek yogurt, plain low fat yogurt, kefir, farmers cheese, yogurt cheese).
My carbs come mostly from veggies and fruits, and once in 2 days I eat oatmeal for breakfast or quinoa or brown rice with stir fry.
So, I kept my weight until April 2014 and than I decided to lose even more and started to exercise a little bit (body weight trainings every second day, walking 40 minutes every day). And now I'm at 182 pounds (down from 195). I guess my target weight should be around 175 pounds.
My goal is to lose all belly fat, so I'll do more high intensity trainings (kettlebells maybe).
Welcome! Kettlebells sound cool. I have never personally used them but I have seen them at the gym. What kind of exercises do you do with them as part of your HIIT?
I'm still learning to use them, you have to be very concentrated when working with them. I just downloaded a bunch of pdfs (google kettlebells download pdf) and I'm going through exercises. You can do slow exercises, similar to the ones with dumbells, but you can do more dynamic, almost cardio exercises. I do various squats and lunges, shoulder exercises (overhead press), swings, burpees, high pulls and so on. If I do one after another, I get sweating like a pig :).