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New member
Hi there, my name is Jamie. I'm twenty one years old and want to lose about 100 pounds! I have along ways to go. I actually really like working out but have a harder time eating right! If I get to the gym and have a good hour or so workout that's done for the day. But, eating good is a constant all day thing.
I was really active in High school, I was a swimmer, tennis player and a jogger. Now that I'm older I've gradually gained a lot of weight without all these activities in my life. So, I've joined a gym. :) I really would love all the support that I can get. I look forward to meeting you all!
Support is something we can definetely give you... I have about 75 more to lose at least...and i understand where you are coming from. Unfortunately eating right is very important...Have you thought of talking to a nutritionist or dietician? I would recommend starting a food diary here and logging your true food a day..and exercise. People here are very helpful and will give you tips and you can check ours out also. I know my nutritionist says to try to get an hr of cardio in a day if you can...and maybe do strength & lean muscle building 3 times a week...that way your burning fat & building muscle at the same time. Good luck & welcome
Welcome James! I completely agree with stoptheexcuses! Also, we just started a 20pd club recently, our goal is to loose 20 pds by sept. 26 ( i think) thats still very much possible if you want to start. Let us know if you have any questions, we're here for you!!
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