I'm new and need advice!


New member
11 days ago was the first time I weighed myself in 3 years. I was scared to weigh myself because I have been eating so much junk and fast food the past 3 years, and large portions too. I finally weighed myself and I was 136.5 lbs. I'm 5'5 and I usually weigh 120. I'm most comfortable when I'm around 115-120 lbs.
Anyway, for the past 11 days I have been eating healthier and watching my portion sizes (except for one "cheat" day last weekend when I had large nachos with beef and cheese, 10 tim bits, 5 cookies, and some cashews.) I weighed myself today and I am now 129lbs. However, I'm worried I am not eating enough calories and this could affect my metabolism. On a typical day I usually eat: a frozen breakfast sandwich from Costco (240 calories) whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter for lunch (approx 250 calories) spinach kale and frozen mango smoothie for a snack (80-100 calories I think) and for dinner a chicken breast and about a cup of roasted sweet potatoes with a tiny bit of olive oil (no idea how many calories). I feel great and energized. I don't feel like I'm starving myself. But I'm worried this is under 1200 calories, and if I start eating more calories I'll gain weight. Thoughts ??
You haven't mentioned how much exercise you get. How much activity do you get in an average day?
Update: so proud of myself! Managed to lose 10.5 lbs in 3 weeks, while treating myself to a large 'cheat' meal every 6 days