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Hi! I'm Adrian. I'm trying to lose some weight like everybody else on this forum. I'm always up and down with my weight. I'm very anxious/nervous and food is always there available especially sweet things that are so good and make me forget about things that are bad. I'm 5'9'' and 220 lbs. I would like to weigh around 165 lbs but also I would love to keep my weight around 165 lbs for a long period because in the past I always get to that point but then I start to gain weight once again and I have to diet and exercise a lot to recover my desired weight. I know it sucks but I'm hoping to get extremely motivated with your help and supporting messages. Thanks!
Welcome Adrian, you have found a good place for "help and supporting messages"! Welcome!

You are right, hard as losing weight is keep it off is even harder. Fortunately you will find people here who have been in maintenance and know a lot about keeping the weight off. I suggest you go to the Weight Loss Diary page (https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/ ) and start a diary of your own. There you can tell us more about yourself and your goals. Its a great way to get started and to find the help and support you are looking for.

Best of luck to you!
Hello Adrian! That's good you decided to come here to the forum. You will get here a lot of good advice.
I am curious about sweets. Who is buying it? The first big rule about sweets is to not buy them. When your flat/house will be empty from unhealthy food it will be easier to get rid of it.
It is not hard to lose weight, but you have to do this in a healthy way to avoid the yoyo effect as you know.
What is your weight loss plan for the closest future?
your story sounds familiar. 15 months ago i was 5'11", 220 lbs. yesterday i was 165. for otherwise healthy people, my advice is always to start by getting smarter about how nutrition works. i could suggest TED talks as a good place to look.
Welcome Adrian, you have found a good place for "help and supporting messages"! Welcome!

You are right, hard as losing weight is keep it off is even harder. Fortunately you will find people here who have been in maintenance and know a lot about keeping the weight off. I suggest you go to the Weight Loss Diary page (https://weight-loss.fitness.com/forums/weight-loss-diary.9/ ) and start a diary of your own. There you can tell us more about yourself and your goals. Its a great way to get started and to find the help and support you are looking for.

Best of luck to you!
Thank you for your kindness and suggestion.
your story sounds familiar. 15 months ago i was 5'11", 220 lbs. yesterday i was 165. for otherwise healthy people, my advice is always to start by getting smarter about how nutrition works. i could suggest TED talks as a good place to look.
That's a great idea and I agree 100% in fact I'm going to a community college, this coming semester, to take a Nutrion course to learn more about food and be more conscious about it. Thanks a lot!
Hello Adrian! That's good you decided to come here to the forum. You will get here a lot of good advice.
I am curious about sweets. Who is buying it? The first big rule about sweets is to not buy them. When your flat/house will be empty from unhealthy food it will be easier to get rid of it.
It is not hard to lose weight, but you have to do this in a healthy way to avoid the yoyo effect as you know.
What is your weight loss plan for the closest future?

I'm married to someone that unfortunately loves to bake...it is really hard and I keep complaining but all that I get is well you need self-control which is true but it is not easy when temptation is always there. It would be much less complicated if that food is not at home at all.
That's a great idea and I agree 100% in fact I'm going to a community college, this coming semester, to take a Nutrion course to learn more about food and be more conscious about it. Thanks a lot!
good for you... i often wish i could have someone to bounce my ideas off. as much as i've found some useful information on the net, i sure you won't be surprised to know there is a good deal of misinformation, too. a key point to look at on the internet is usually the bottom line of trying to sell you something.

good to also set some realistic goals. many people show up here wanting to achieve ultra-fast weight loss and wouldn't mind the first area to go be their biggest problem area (typically hips/ thighs for women & the belly area for men). neither is a reasonable expectation... weight typically comes off in the same order it's put on and when i was losing 2-2.5 lb/s week max, i was taking that as a good pace i could maintain.
I'm married to someone that unfortunately loves to bake...it is really hard and I keep complaining but all that I get is well you need self-control which is true but it is not easy when temptation is always there. It would be much less complicated if that food is not at home at all.
Have you tried to find for her some low carb recipes or healthy recipes? There is a lot of it on the internet.
So if She will bake something healthy you can eat it as one meal- I mean not between meals but treat is as one meal during the day
Have you tried to find for her some low carb recipes or healthy recipes? There is a lot of it on the internet.
So if She will bake something healthy you can eat it as one meal- I mean not between meals but treat is as one meal during the day

Yes! I haven't tried that but I thought about it and I'm glad you mentioned it because that encourages me to get things done. I think that I should look for recipes that are diet and that I find appealing and tell her to cook that. She will do what she likes to do and I won't get sick.
good for you... i often wish i could have someone to bounce my ideas off. as much as i've found some useful information on the net, i sure you won't be surprised to know there is a good deal of misinformation, too. a key point to look at on the internet is usually the bottom line of trying to sell you something.

good to also set some realistic goals. many people show up here wanting to achieve ultra-fast weight loss and wouldn't mind the first area to go be their biggest problem area (typically hips/ thighs for women & the belly area for men). neither is a reasonable expectation... weight typically comes off in the same order it's put on and when i was losing 2-2.5 lb/s week max, i was taking that as a good pace i could maintain.

I can share with you whatever I learn from that course. Also, I can recommend the books that my professor uses and if I get the textbook in pdf I can share it with you as well.
I'm married to someone that unfortunately loves to bake...it is really hard and I keep complaining but all that I get is well you need self-control which is true but it is not easy when temptation is always there. It would be much less complicated if that food is not at home at all.
Hhmmm... tricky! I guess the first thing to say is that it's terrific that you have a happy marriage, where the worst problem is that one partner likes to bake! ;)
But secondly - yes, "bake" as opposed to "cook" tends to mean cakes and biscuits and such like high-carb things, which are a problem for someone who wants to lose weight. Possible ways forward:
- find outlets for her baking which help to get those too-tempting things out of the house. To a workplace (if appropriate - I know it isn't always), to a homeless shelter or similar, to a friendship group or sports group meeting?
- ask her if she can invent or adapt recipes so that the things she makes can be really closely controlled for calories and nutrition? I myself tried to invent a low-calorie banana bread recently - it wasn't a great success, but then I'm not a great baker! I got it down to 115 calories a slice; it's pretty nice toasted, I think, but not so good untoasted.
- ask her to designate which day is baking day, and take yourself out of the house on that day, so you don't smell them cooking, and ask that they be put away by the time you get back? Out of sight is often out of mind.
- if she's a really hotshot baker, maybe she can make a business of it? That way you'll know that the baking is now "merchandise" or "on order for a wedding" or whatever, and thus definitely out of bounds for you!

Best wishes for this to work out happily for you both! :)
I'm married to someone that unfortunately loves to bake...it is really hard
If you can tolerate one more comment on this here it is. Your significant other is the most important support person you can have, it is worth sacrificing and negotiating to get that support. Try and just eat the amount of the baked goods that fit your plan or diet, no more. Explain what you are doing, be nice but firm. If you like it say so and explain why you can't eat more. Odds are you will end up with a supporter and ally. A good spouse wants you to be healthy and happy. And a good spouse understands the needs and desires of the other and tries to work with and support them. You can do that.

Best of luck to you!
Hello Adrian! I am also a newbie here and this forum seems to be a wonderful place for getting help and new ideas regarding weight loss. BTW, my name is Jiten and I am from India.
Hello there, Jiten! :seeya: And what news, Adrian?
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