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Hey everyone, my name is Eva and I'm 19. Weight has been an issue for me since I was in high school but has just gotten worse with time. I went to the doctor and I was suprised to find out my weight had crept up to 223 and my BMI is 37! Anyways, I was told I have some weight to lose and I am going to try. I also just got engaged and I want to look my best when I get married and I can't do that as the big girl I am now. By next year I would like to be below a size 14 (currently a 20) and 50 pounds lighter. My ultimate goal is to be the weight I was until 10th grade, 135. I also have health concerns b/c I do smoke and being obese does not help you live longer either! I work as a receptionist so I do sit all day (one reason I'm so large now) but i have started walking after work so I am hoping for the best! Nice too meet some others who have the same issues and that know how hard it is to drop these extra pounds.
you're lucky you're starting so young, you have a lifetime ahead of you. I am 27 (old geezer) LOL ok, so I'm not that old, but I feel older than dirt!
Walking is a great start. I know what you mean about gaining weight due to a sit down job. At my last job I weighed 215-220, since I quit I've lost 30 pounds....But it's back to work time for me. Just applied at 2 companies....
One thing that helped me lose was Tae bo. Sounds crazy, but it really helped. I would do it at least 4 times a week. I currantly try to do it everyday along with Pilates.
Another thing is to drink tons of water. You'll be amazed at how fresh and energixed you'll feel just by increasing your water intake.
Well good luck , and we'll see you around the forum!
So awesome that you've joined us on your way to lose weight. :)

I sit in an office all day, too, actually am at work right now. I started drinking a lot more water last week. I gave myself a minimum of 8 12 oz glasses a day. That's all I told myself I was going to change. Then this week, I started walking during my morning break. You should have a break morning and afternoon besides your lunch. I just go outside (it's quite warm today) and walk for ten minutes. You can try that and even if that's the only change in activity, it's at least something.

I go and do cardio after work. I have yet to incorporate weight training! I know how to, but refuse to right now. I got a tip from Christina to start Pilates. I'm going to buy the video soon!

I also started eating 6 to 7 meals a day. They're all small, but I eat so often and drink so much water, I'm okay! Also I give myself the option to NOT eat when I'm only emotional. I am an emotional eater.

Anyway, thought I'd let you know what I'm doing to get you started. Congratulations. You'll do just fine! I'm @ 200lbs, 5'7" and a size 16 today! To think - I used to wear a 10 in high school and think I was fat. I'd kill for that now.

Come back and post here. We're all happy to help and you know you can do it. Just don't beat yourself up. You're doing great by starting here. You might want to start a diary here, too. It helps.
Welcome! And good luck!

The water intake is verrry important, as well as proper nutrition. Everyone here has awesome advice. and congrats on being engaged!
Thanks a lot for all your responses! I have my work cut out for me. I know I am not alone but it always feels that way when people my age are thin and clothes my size are harder to find. I went home last week and got the whole "you are awfully heavy" lecture from my mom. Thankfully Chris (my fiance) is really supportive of my weight and me trying to lose it.

I also started walking afterwork for half an hour. Been kinda rainy here but I have gone a couple of days and at first I was a bit sore but it's getting easier. I hate water but I am tying to drink more of it and less soda and sugary stuff. I am sleeping better now though because of the excercise! I know what Christina said about me starting young and losing the weight...I don't want to spend the rest of my life huge because of mistakes I made when I was young. I used to be a size 8/10 in HS and I thought I was fat to! Doesn't seem so big now! I haven't lost any weight yet really but I have read some of the journals here and it takes time so I will try to be patient!

Thanks for the support everyone!
Hi Eva and welcome! I really think you're gonna like it here. I agree with Christina, I wish I had started younger too. When I was your age I was in the process of packing on "The Freshman 15". You know, those 15 pounds you gain your first semester of college especially if you're away from home. The smallest I can remember myself being was about a size 13 my senior year. I was taking dance class almost everyday. Then I left for college and WHAM! Unfortunately I was a fat bride too. :( Add a childbirth in there and well yeah. I promised myself that if I ever got married again that I was gonna be da bomb! Anywhoo, congrats on your engagement hun and I'm sure you're will do just fine with your diet and excercise. If you need a push or just some good ol' motivation we're here. :)
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