I'm in need of help!

Hi, i'm 15 years old. I way about 55kg and im around 175cm tall. I'm very very skinny and lanky. I hate the way my legs look and my body. Everybody call me anorexic.

I eat ALOT, like 4-5 times a day and big meals. I also eat alot of junk food but i've cut down on that now.

I have been doing some push ups and crunches for the past month, it has toned up my body a little but still im still very skinny and unattractive.

I want to put on weight, please someone help. some say its because i have high metabolism.

I really want to put on weight, someone please help me. How can i do it? I've searched on the internet but im just getting the same information to eat more and do less cardio but it is not working.

If i'm putting on weight should i still be doing workouts like push ups, crunches etc at home?
Well mate
I know how you feel, its horrible.
Your not going to like hearing it, but unless you don't mind being fat its not easy at all gaining weight!
I'm also the same, and I've been working out for about a year now, but you can start to tell that for the past 4 months I have been eating correctly and working out too.

First off
Can you get a membership in a gym?
Can you afford protein shakes or a weight gain powder?
And are you able to up your food even more?

If you are looking to gain big weight in muscle, you should be doing big full body exercises, small reps but heavy weight.
E.g dead lifts, bench press, squats!
this are all big compound movements that will build muscle on almost every part of your body.
But if you cant get to a gym.. this may be difficult!

But basicly man, i know your going to hate hearing it, but you need a calorie surplus, meaning eating a **** load more calories a day than normal. and you need to be eating about 1g of protein for every lb of body weight!

Hope I helped?
I can't really go to the gym because my parents wont let - they say im too young. However i will do anything i can at home - even if it means doing pressups, sit ups 2-3 hours a day.

All i want is to put on some weight, especially on my legs and dont look like a skinny rat anymore.
do not do anythinmg for hours.

do things that tak all ou have for 30 seconds.

ie: pick up the dressor drawers...
deadlift the end of the bed,,, put stuff on it, and dead lift it again.

do bulgarian squats whil.e holding cinder blocks.
push the car in the garage

there are no excuses,,, if you are the real deal, we will help you

Sweat Daily
p.s . consuming lots of fat will not build the muscle you desire.

thing heavy food, PROTEINS!! Fat does not stick to a high metabolism, but good solid protein, that are being utilized, will.
Yeah thanks, im going to do some research for high protien food then make myself a diet plan to intake as much protien as possible.
Turkey, chicken breast, pork, tuna, fish, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds... That sort of food you want in your diet.

Not trying to burst anyone's bubble, but doesn't weight training at a young age stump growth?
Yeah thats why my parents don't allow me to weight train, they say its going to stump my growth and once im 17-18 i should join the gym.

P.S - what is the best protien shake? any reccomdations?
Well i am 16 and im nearly 6ft, been weight training for almost a year, and im not short.
I believe it will stunt your growth, but only if you are lifting big heavy weights very often, which you arnt, so go for it my friend!

Also i use a simple whey protein mix, it is really, and i mean, really good. And cheap.

Visit www. myprotein.co.uk its where i got mine, its so usefull.
if that link doesnt work type in my protein in google!
Its all good man
I suggest chocolate smooth flavour if its in stock, if not vanilla :)
Nicest preotein drink ive ever had lmao!

Ive never felt so helpfull :]