I'm going to get in shape for the first time in my life..

I'm not looking to play around with this anymore. There is no excuse for me as an 18 year old male to be out of shape. That is why I chose to title my thread with a statement, instead of a question or plea for help.

This is probabbly going to end up being a bit of a novel, and not very interesting. So if you're going to blame me for making you read it, just stop now :p

I can hardly remember ever being thin. The only memories I have of me being thin are in the form of pictures. I think I started gaining weight around the 3rd grade or so. That's about the time I realized I was the single most hated kid in school (those damn glasses...;)), and about the time my self confidence dropped to almost nothing. I used to be afraid to take my shirt off to go swimming...

Throughout highschool I weighed between 200-250 pounds. I never did sports so I had a LOW metabolism and was weak. The first semester of my junior year of highschool I was able to take weighlifting. I dropped alot of fat and gained weight from the muscle. We didn't have a teacher (he just worked out himself pretty much) so I never worked out to my full potential, if that makes any sense. I was surprised how fast I was able to gain strength. It wasn't very visible because of my bf (28% when I joined), but before I left my max lateral was around 300 pounds. Take in mind this wasn't on a bench but on a machine you put the weights on each side. If I had my choice now I would have just used a bench. I never developed the minor muscle coordination needed for that. Incline and decline were less but I can't remember the exact weight. I used a few machines for triceps and sometimes free weights, and dips. I also used about 10 other machines, some for different areas of my chest, back, shoulders, etc.

Now I can't even lateral 180. As of now I weigh between 195-200. Since mid april I've lost about 40 pounds. I havn't worked out since I had to quit that course for another one (math...pfft...) I need to graduate. So basically the last year and a half I've been dormant, except for some curls and dips on my tub and pushups. But I never did any of that for any length of time.

Anyways so pictures! I don't have very good ones, sorry. Here's a couple I could find from october 2005. I weigh about 235 or 240 in these pictures.

Here are some pictures of me now:
shirt off (look at sexy ol' me :D)

Shirt on (you can stop drooling now)

I am getting a new haircut today for a job. I simply cannot stand my hair with a combover.

So that's my introduction...I havn't set myself a workout or a diet plan yet. I'm looking through the forums now and I'm going to work something out for myself.

I can't think of anything else to tell you besides VIVA LAS VEGAS baby and I'm 6'3.
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Welcome to the site.
Welcome to the site, there is a lot of interesting information here.

It sounds like your "teacher" left all of you to figure it out for yourselves. Not a very good idea, a lot of damage can be done that way. I'm glad to see that you are making the choice to educate yourself properly about what to do/not do.
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Thanks for the welcome guys :) I forgot what the burn feels like and what your muscles feel like after working out...and I love it. How the muscles feel tight and tender the next day until you do more physical activity and they loosen up.

It's a great feeling working to make yourself a better, healthier person.
i am really happy to hear that u wanna get in shape thats awesome good luck to ya!