I'm freakin' bored

Man, I'm bored. :drooling1:

dh is working late again. He leaves at 5:30 in the morning, and if he works late, he doesn't normally get home until 9:30. Well, now, when he works late, he's getting home at 11:30p.m. I'm getting really sick of this.

Last week, he worked 73 hours.

I've got the kids down, now I'm sitting here playing on the computer b/c he won't be home for 2 more hours.

Somebody say something and entertain me please.
Go out and watch Superbad, its hilarious if you like crude sexual humor.

If not, well, definitely don't go see it.

I'm also just sittin here, trying to avoid the start of school (tomorrow).
so, how're you?
I like crude humor (more than a girl should):eek:

I'm stuck here, though. I'm pretty sure the authorities frown on moms going to the movies leaving a 4yr old and a 1yr old home alone. :eek:

although, they are asleep.....

(Kidding people, kidding)
On a side note, I've now read 3 stories in which a couple abandoned their very young child/children (1-2 years old) and went off to internet bars to play World of Warcraft, Everquest, or Dungeons and dragons.

Their children died.

Probably best you'd stay home, as much as I'd like to be able to say "HEY I KNOW HER!" if I see you on the news

wait, i don't actually know what you look like...
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Just seen that on Saturday, pretty freakin hilarious. You could send me some pictures to prove your fe-masculinity. :)

Patience Tony patience.

Dave-The fact that grown ass adults, parents no less, went to internet bars to play video games should be a crime in and of itself. Further evidence that one should be required to obtain a permit to breed. :rolleyes:

If I ever do end up on the news, I'll give you a shout out. lol
Patience for the pictures.

yeah i'm pretty sure all those people are in jail now. I'm beginning to question Charles Darwin's theories. by his principles, stupid people like that should've been eliminated from the gene pool by now... lol

I also read a really sad story about a kid who played WoW in China. He commited suicide after playing WoW for 48 hours straight so that he could "join the heroes of Azeroth", I tihnk he thought he'd respawn (as its called) in the game... When people are tihs addicted to video games it just isn't right.
Somebody - damn, I'm tired. I meant some DAY.

Now, see, I can't find that video very funny cuz I'm a mom. When I hear a kid cry like that, I'm hoping he's ok. That boy couldn't have been very old, so it's not like he was 18 and cried like that after getting hit with a skateboard. He did hit the other kid first, so he did sort of have it coming from the looks of things (of course, we don't know what led up to that), but still, that cry sounded like he was really hurt. I just can't stand to hear kids crying out of pain.

man, I'm gettin' old. There was a time when I'd have seen that and laughed my ass off, not started wondering if the little boy was ok.
Awww, now I feel like a genius. Hmmm, Americans can't identify the US on a world map b/c people in South Africa, Iraq, and Asia don't have maps, and we need to help them and their education for the future. That's just priceless.
yeah, that sound about right.

did you watch the one about the 11 guys int he playground? I love Mr. excuses, "it's just this war guys... I can't tihnk straight"
That was my favorite part. lol

It's just the war man, I've got an uncle over there, it's his birthday. That's funny.

It's finally about time for my husband to come home. yay!

Thanks for entertaining me Dave. :hug2:
no problem :)