I'm done walking, I want to run!

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Hello, I am female 36, 5 ft. 8.in. and currently weigh 270 lbs. Over the last year I have lost 70 lbs. At this point I can walk all day. I'm bored with it, and want to run, but for reasons I will explain, I find myself unable to do so. Going from an extremely morbidly obese woman to "simply" obese has left me with a rather large, soft, floppy bunch of skin hanging around my middle. I tried to go jogging but I actually tore the side of it a little, where it goes from attached to free hanging. Is there a special garment made to combat this? I tried support leggings. I tried pantyhose. I used to really love running and I don't want to spend the rest of my life at a walk. I welcome questions, and would love any advice you might have. Thank you!
A belly band, the type used during pregnancy might work ?
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