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Hi! I'm Joseph Brown. I am 15 years old, 6'3" and 250 lbs. I have been working really hard and I am beginning to get very discouraged.
-The Problem-
As of late I have become more and more discouraged. For the last 2 years I have put on a lot of weight and tried very hard to keep it away (to no avail) I am a sophomore in high school and as such there is a lot of social pressure and anxiety regarding physical appearance. I have very few friends even though i'm nice to everybody. And I know this isn't the place to talk about such things, but it has been getting to me. I feel like a lot of people judge me based on my appearance. Despite the fact that i am not one to let such things get to me it has (as was aforementioned) quite discouraging. I came here because I need help. I don't understand what I am doing wrong?
-My Day-
Every day I wake up around 5:30 AM for early morning classes. After that I begin my school day consisting of various classes most notably: Weights and conditioning, and fitness for life (Physical education).
So as you can see throughout my school day alone I am getting over 2 hours of physical excersize 5 days a week!
And on top of that I play water polo in the afternoon from 8-11 with games on fridays and saturdays. For those who arent familiar with the sport picture soccer in the water
When im not at school or practice im working (at mcdonalds), reading, or playing video games (for which teenagers are notorious). I feel like my life has balance. I am getting 4-5 hours of excersize per day (most of which is rigorous), Working, and waking up plenty early!
So that brings me back to the topic: What On Earth Am I Doing Wrong!!!
-Potential problems I see-
So in this post i will attempt to be as brutally honest about myself as possible. I have a hard time sleeping at night. I usually end up falling asleep around 1:30-2:00 No matter how hard I try nothing works to go to bed earlier! Also I can't tell if im undereating or overeating? In a day I usually skip breakfast or have a protein shake, have a school lunch (Blech) and whatever I can find for dinner. Yes I eat out sometimes. No its not a lot. Yes I have a big appetite. Yes i could probably eat a whole cow in one sitting if i let myself. Despite all this I attempt to have as much restrain as possible!
-Medical issues-
While i don't have any severe medical issues like diabetes (thank god) I have a plethora of minor ones.
I suffer from asthma (especially in winter months), Allergies, and back pain. (it runs in the family)
My main issue however is I have messed up feet. Whenever I walk or run My feet go completely flat as if they have no arch support what so ever. (also what sucks is i have size 14w feet yikes :/ ) I have spoken with the podiatrist multiple times and all he has ever been able to recommend is inserts or special shoes (which cost a lot) and despite my efforts these help very little. Whenever I run my feet immediately have a severe aching pain that surges up my feet, ankles, and knees that wont go away (sometimes for days). This makes it very difficult to run and perform certain excersizes such as squats.
-My Achilles heel-
Earlier one thing i forgot to mention is my severe addiction to soda. And already I know what you are thinking; "Oh duh there is your problem right there". I know and I have heard it all before. A few months ago I switched to diet and have been having some success in losing weight since then but not much. And its not necessarily just soda either, i just tend to drink whatever is in front of me (excluding in most cases water). Including juices, and other flavored drinks. I don't crave candy, chips, or almost any other unhealthy snacks. Just soda. I have never felt like I over ate "that much" at most i might have an extra helping of dinner if I was hungry however if left to my own devices I drink entirely too much soda. And as of now there is no end in sight. I have been trying to find alternatives (to little success).
-In conclusion-
I apologise for spilling all this out on this post I am just desperate. All I have ever wanted was to be accepted as healthy, and not just the mcdonalds poster boy. I want to look and feel healthy and I am hoping some of you may help me achieve that. This really is my last resort. I just need answers.
Joseph Brown
-The Problem-
As of late I have become more and more discouraged. For the last 2 years I have put on a lot of weight and tried very hard to keep it away (to no avail) I am a sophomore in high school and as such there is a lot of social pressure and anxiety regarding physical appearance. I have very few friends even though i'm nice to everybody. And I know this isn't the place to talk about such things, but it has been getting to me. I feel like a lot of people judge me based on my appearance. Despite the fact that i am not one to let such things get to me it has (as was aforementioned) quite discouraging. I came here because I need help. I don't understand what I am doing wrong?
-My Day-
Every day I wake up around 5:30 AM for early morning classes. After that I begin my school day consisting of various classes most notably: Weights and conditioning, and fitness for life (Physical education).
So as you can see throughout my school day alone I am getting over 2 hours of physical excersize 5 days a week!
And on top of that I play water polo in the afternoon from 8-11 with games on fridays and saturdays. For those who arent familiar with the sport picture soccer in the water
So that brings me back to the topic: What On Earth Am I Doing Wrong!!!
-Potential problems I see-
So in this post i will attempt to be as brutally honest about myself as possible. I have a hard time sleeping at night. I usually end up falling asleep around 1:30-2:00 No matter how hard I try nothing works to go to bed earlier! Also I can't tell if im undereating or overeating? In a day I usually skip breakfast or have a protein shake, have a school lunch (Blech) and whatever I can find for dinner. Yes I eat out sometimes. No its not a lot. Yes I have a big appetite. Yes i could probably eat a whole cow in one sitting if i let myself. Despite all this I attempt to have as much restrain as possible!
-Medical issues-
While i don't have any severe medical issues like diabetes (thank god) I have a plethora of minor ones.
I suffer from asthma (especially in winter months), Allergies, and back pain. (it runs in the family)
My main issue however is I have messed up feet. Whenever I walk or run My feet go completely flat as if they have no arch support what so ever. (also what sucks is i have size 14w feet yikes :/ ) I have spoken with the podiatrist multiple times and all he has ever been able to recommend is inserts or special shoes (which cost a lot) and despite my efforts these help very little. Whenever I run my feet immediately have a severe aching pain that surges up my feet, ankles, and knees that wont go away (sometimes for days). This makes it very difficult to run and perform certain excersizes such as squats.
-My Achilles heel-
Earlier one thing i forgot to mention is my severe addiction to soda. And already I know what you are thinking; "Oh duh there is your problem right there". I know and I have heard it all before. A few months ago I switched to diet and have been having some success in losing weight since then but not much. And its not necessarily just soda either, i just tend to drink whatever is in front of me (excluding in most cases water). Including juices, and other flavored drinks. I don't crave candy, chips, or almost any other unhealthy snacks. Just soda. I have never felt like I over ate "that much" at most i might have an extra helping of dinner if I was hungry however if left to my own devices I drink entirely too much soda. And as of now there is no end in sight. I have been trying to find alternatives (to little success).
-In conclusion-
I apologise for spilling all this out on this post I am just desperate. All I have ever wanted was to be accepted as healthy, and not just the mcdonalds poster boy. I want to look and feel healthy and I am hoping some of you may help me achieve that. This really is my last resort. I just need answers.
Joseph Brown