Ugh. Lunges are obviously the exercise of the devil.
I constantly hear about how they are so important, along with squats, and they are recommended all the time. But I have to say...they are butchering my knees!
The first time I tried to do lunges a month or two ago my knees were FUBAR for 2 weeks. I literally had to stop my running program for two weeks. I hobbled around with aching knees, icing them, using anti-inflammatories. No fun.
But they seem so gosh darn important, so I really tried to work on it. I started with little baby lunges and worked my way up to normal lunges, first just a few then more and more. But unpredictably, every few workouts the knees just HATE the lunge movement and I feel like things in there are pulling and tearing. Sometimes I can do 30+ reps. Other times I do 3 and the knees are shot. But I try to rest them when that happens and then build up slowly again. Frustrating!
My last workout was a "3 lunges and I'm shot" and my run the next day was horrible cause my knees are so buggered. So that's it. I'm not going to let some stupid lunges ruin the rest of my workout/cardio plan. I don't care how important they are. My body rejects them and I'm just not going to force it anymore. Nothing else in my routine hurts like that, not even close. So I'm deleting them from my routine altogther.
I constantly hear about how they are so important, along with squats, and they are recommended all the time. But I have to say...they are butchering my knees!
The first time I tried to do lunges a month or two ago my knees were FUBAR for 2 weeks. I literally had to stop my running program for two weeks. I hobbled around with aching knees, icing them, using anti-inflammatories. No fun.
But they seem so gosh darn important, so I really tried to work on it. I started with little baby lunges and worked my way up to normal lunges, first just a few then more and more. But unpredictably, every few workouts the knees just HATE the lunge movement and I feel like things in there are pulling and tearing. Sometimes I can do 30+ reps. Other times I do 3 and the knees are shot. But I try to rest them when that happens and then build up slowly again. Frustrating!
My last workout was a "3 lunges and I'm shot" and my run the next day was horrible cause my knees are so buggered. So that's it. I'm not going to let some stupid lunges ruin the rest of my workout/cardio plan. I don't care how important they are. My body rejects them and I'm just not going to force it anymore. Nothing else in my routine hurts like that, not even close. So I'm deleting them from my routine altogther.