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jelly belly88

New member
Just wanna say "Hello". Can't wait till I start my journey to a healthier life stlye. Well, okay you caught me:eek: , I have been trying to do so since the new year. I fall of the wagon most time but then I get right back on. But I really have to be serios this time. I just wanna lose 20 lbs by june for now. So wish me luck. And good luck to all of you who have acomplished or will acomplish your goals.:D
Hi JB...glad to have you w/us! Let me know if I can help you at all :)

Hey gals, Thank you for the welcome. I love this forum. Especially here. So far everyone is great and really supportive. it is kind've scary jumping right in with others. but what the H*ll, right. How else am I giong to meet new people and let them know how I been struggling with my wieght. Anyhow, Thanks again. Isn't Jelly the best name !!! I've been called jelly belly since I was a little one. I think my family just got lazy of saying my real name.:D
Hi Neighbor, and I mean neighbor! check your pms...we need to get to know each other on here and meet for coffee sometime! Happy to meet you!
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